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New Dice Algorithm / True dice rolls

Game does not use true dice roll probabilities. Many, many times I've had 97-99% chance to win and dont.

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Untrue probabilities really piss off in this game.

You have true probabilities or your are tinkering probabilities.

So how you decide whom to favor? Game looks very biased.

Did the recent soft-update change the dice back to its old method? I noticed some lag on big blitz battles. It used to do that years ago.

I completely agree, the rng in this game is really bad. They need to make it less rng, and more about the number of troops you have. I've had a situation where I 15 and my opponent had 16 and He took my territory without taking a single hitpoint! This game having rankings is just kind of a joke at this point, there is way to much rng.

Have your ever noticed how in your dice roll statistics that the percentages are flat across the board??? This proves that the dice rolling is flawed. There should be a different percentage for each one!! this means in order to achieve this flat distribution that dice rolls depend on the previous rolls, increasing the probability for dice rolls that haven't occurred as much,which is not based on reality at all! So an example is basically if you roll bunch of 4,s, 5's and 6's the PRNG is going to make 1-3 more likely, ergo you roll 12 dice against 2 and you lose.

The more I play, the more childish I’ve become. I just bomb out of games now when the dice do crazy rolls. Can’t be bothered to play a game when luck supersedes skill. This seems to occur more and more these days. 

I suppose in a round about way this is the point I’m making. I can accept true random as it can occur anytime to anyone. I feel balanced blitz is flawed as it gives results similar to true random and shouldn’t. I’ve noticed many times what should be an easy win (say 8:1) results in a loss.
Balanced Blitz is intended to skew results. It gives you more of a result you'd expect than if you rolled real dice. Of course, the complaint here is that results are not consistent with what you'd expect but this is more likely a case of you remember the bad rolls and forget the consistent rolls. You'd have to take a lot of empirical data to really show whether it's "flawed" or not. But i feel that if it's not true random, it's already flawed. True random will result in a lot more unexpected results and have everyone here livid all the time, which is why they created balanced blitz.
80% of the time - yes. The 20% is the random factor; the initial placement is random; player capability is random, etc, etc. At the moment, balanced blitz is flawed.

 What are you asking for? The dice to be rigged so that the results are always as you expect when you roll?

Luck is a factor, of course, but it shouldn’t be the be all and end all. All games should primarily be based on skill or why bother? This is how sports work!

 Luck is a huge part of the game. That's why you opt to take a "Risk" to win.

Even with balanced blitz, there is still a chance of having terrible rolls. The algorithm isn't designed to completely avoid unusual results. But it does skew more against them.
@Briand - So where’s the skill if this can happen? I get it but it’s extremely frustrating to be in a winning position and then lose due to this. That’s not a game.

 Well, it's dice. You have skill and then there's a luck factor to it also. What do you want "Risk" to be? Precise average odds for every single attack? What's the point in a game like that there everything is predictable? The whole point is that in general, skill is going to prevail but there is risk involved and sometimes you NEED to take a risk to win. If there's no dice, there's no chance for anyone who got beaten up at the start.

I find balanced blitz more like true random anyway. It definitely glitches unless I'm missing something. I'm happy to be called stupid but how can the attached happen in balanced blitz?


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