IDEA:You canonly view enemy positions in adjacent territories, everything else is hidden. As you explore the map, the fog will be removed from adjacent territories within view.
This would either be a custom game setting, enabled by the game host (so not a default setting for all maps).
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I think this would be an awesome idea, but only for one board. I wouldn't want to have to play like this all the time, but having an option like this to turn on for a game or on a specific board would make for a pretty awesome game.
8 people like this
Michel Lemieux
about 8 years ago
How about "allies territories"? I think we should know about them (locations and troop number) but only know who owns adjacents territories (i.e. No troop numbers).
Or maybe the amount of info gathered from allies could depend on the "level" of alliance set ( if such a feature would be added).
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Nathan Lindop
about 8 years ago
Would definitely make a cool game mode. Would be really random to be honest but fun. It could be trailed one day to see how good it works. Kind unsure
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Team @ SMG
about 8 years ago
Michel, yes we had similar thoughts for ally territories e.g. you could see all ally territories and territories adjacent to those as well. Making it dependent on "level" of alliance set is a neat touch.
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about 8 years ago
Cool idea
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Wm Craft
about 8 years ago
Sounds like the old Warcraft! Would we be given "balloons" or Paladin vision to see everywhere?
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big bity
about 8 years ago
This a great idea during manual mode set up pieces.
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William Fugere
about 8 years ago
This would be really good!
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Steve disipio
about 8 years ago
Put fog over my rank so novice punks stop harassing me just because of a high rank.
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Iker vita
about 8 years ago
I actually disagree, this wouldn't be Risk anymore. Risk is first of all, a board game, and it's a perfect information game, something like this would cease to be Risk. Thus I don't expect this to be implemented.
Though if it was, I'd have no reason to complain.
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Frog Pickle
about 8 years ago
This was a feature on "Final Conquest" an old risk clone that was taken off line 10+ years ago. It adds a new dimension to the game that requires different tactics and is a great way to shake up the gameplay a bit.
I love the idea of brining it to the community. For those of you who have not tried it, please vote yea to add it as an option, it a really cool feature to try... even if it does not become your preferred method of gameplay.
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Dylan Cool
almost 8 years ago
When will this feature be added?
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Timothy Wing
almost 8 years ago
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derrick kidwell
almost 8 years ago
The original online game of risk had this feature and it was by far the most popular option. It does change the strat completly because you are never quite sure what your going to run into behind borders.
Team @ SMG
IDEA: You can only view enemy positions in adjacent territories, everything else is hidden. As you explore the map, the fog will be removed from adjacent territories within view.
This would either be a custom game setting, enabled by the game host (so not a default setting for all maps).
HOW TO VOTE FOR THIS FEATURE? Tap the 'Do you like this idea?' below
143 people like this idea