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Reporting Options

This post is the offical place to discuss options for reporting players in game.

Idea: In game functionality to report players.

Express your ideas, but please keep all player reports to the support tickets.

23 people like this idea

Can someone please explain how in a fair game the grandmaster should have won this game? It is progressive and explain to me why the master account fortified 40 troops into an area that did not need to be fortified and instead of taking the grandmaster out... he fortified 40 troops there instead of attacking? Please someone explain how this isn't blatant cheating!!!! Xenturion81 and Melanie Nance needs to lose their rank and go back to NOVICE because they clearly didn't earn their ranks by playing fairly!!!! And why did xenturion leave 1 troop for melanie nance to take from me my cards when he/she could have easily taken it!!!!!

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Y dose in not let me log back in and kicks as soon as I start winning
A possibility ti Report Players would bei awesome Right now i'm playing a Game with 3 Others players and one with only 3 areas ist slowplayjng and stuck in the reinforcement-phase for 30 minutes ... Wonder how this ist even possible
Yes, just had horrible cheating with riskranger and dogabuser. Blatant cheating. Blatant coordination using fog of war, which was stunning since it makes cheating easier to detect. In the end, the grandmaster won, even though there was no possibility that s/he should have. I reported the users, but likely nothing will happen. Makes me want to quit playing altogether since I became a grandmaster the old fashioned way...I earned it

Totally agree with you, Zachary.  I sent the folks here at SMG a HUGE message with many pics of the game.  I was eliminated and decided to stick around as I already suspected cheating was going on, so I stayed to watch and the cheating was clear as day.  After they eliminated all the other human players...they played around like they were trying to build up huge armies before beating each other...I then made the "mad" face just to let them know I was there.

They immediately went back to attack mode and, as expected the Grandmaster was the winner.

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So this feature is actually really great but I would like to be notified if my report actually did something. I just recently played a game where I was doing really well and a grand master was in it as well. I started noticing that his troops would double. He would take over a territory and it would clone the amount he just moved back to the place he attacked from. He quickly had 200 troops and was taking over the continents with no contest. I reported him but would really like a confirmation that its being looked into or something because it was really frustrating.

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I usually host games, however I do NOT allow any master or grandmaster player to join EVER.  Apologies to anyone who has legitimately made those levels (I have on a few occasions made it to the Master level myself) but it has been my experience that nearly every single time I encounter a master or grandmaster...they are cheaters.  I've also noticed a common pattern of a game with a grandmaster usually will either have another grandmaster or a master in them.

I RARELY, however, ever see a master (and NEVER a grandmaster) join any games I host.  Hmmmm...I wonder why that could be?  Because they set up their own games to cheat with.  That's why.

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They need to add a block player option ( for future games hosted )

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Rory, as host the player has the right and ability to choose opponents. If I’m hosting a game and a known cheater tries to join, of course I’m going to boot him. I suppose some hosts would remove an opponent who has beaten him previously or perhaps it’s someone who betrayed an alliance in a previous game. In any case, the host has that choice.
The option to click on a player to ban him from your games. Soon the cheaters would run out of players to play. So I just played grandmaster MistiD-1, click, now on my banned list. I host a game, he can’t join, I try to join a game he’s already in or hosting- I can’t join. Lists will be long after awhile but most cheaters would eventually leave.

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Can someone please tell me why when you go to join a game of risk the game setter is allowed to remove someone,(Or should I say someone he sees as a threat to his stats),I often see people of the same level joining a game and at the very last second a “senior” player jumps in,or a senior player is starting a game and he is selective over who he wants to play/ beat?
Blade214* (Master) is a stupidly obvious cheater. I guess he/she thought nobody would observe the end of the game to see Orange Slackjaw 13 valiantly commit suicide all of a sudden with stupid and suicidal moves. If he/ she was a real player, Orange Slackjaw 13 would have won! Obvious cheating!

Well, if SMG can't even look after a tiny forum like this... do you think they will bother doing anything about cheaters?! 

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Do you guys actually take any action?

AgileArtist73554 just used two accounts against me.

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