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New Dice Algorithm / True dice rolls

Game does not use true dice roll probabilities. Many, many times I've had 97-99% chance to win and dont.

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I'd love to know the difference of true odds vs their algorithm for these larger armies, mostly concerning average troops lost. How much worse does it look for the attacker as more and more troops exist? 

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Ok so I got out my risk board and I played with my seven year old he won ! With all my strategy and skills I lost I am doomed! Because I suck at rolling dice I roll ones he Rolls sixes Hum....... but seriously while letting him win I kept a close eye on my army size and his plus the outcome and how real dice work .... I had 28 he had 20. At the end I had 7 Another one I had 9 he had 2 at the end he had 2 I had one that can't be right if I have 9 I should win... My point..... it is hard to understand when u turn in cards lay down 23 troops gonna do some damage . you are attacking ones twos fours maybe a five or a nine 23 should be more than enough wrong size does not matter dice do..... I have watched my fellow players get destroyed 4 vs 11 4 attacker he won legendary! The dice add that element of better not waste these armies . roll it out if you have no back up well better not risk it!,, If you can understand me try getting your risk board out setting up some battles get your kids to do it watch the epic battles it's a real uncertain thing ups and downs un less your my little sister she's so good at rolling dice I quit playing against her !!!!!

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Do you play Powerball?  Nah I don't, either, I figure the odds are so stacked against me that it's a poor investment.  Why, in fact, I recently read a Time article that they are 1 in 292 million, That's what I thought, it just can't possibly happen, no one could win with those odds.  ;}

I'm disappointed that some of us have taken an opportunity to flame at the developers about all kinds of things unrelated to dice throw.  Somewhere I recall hearing they were working on new algorithms.  So why are they getting beat on after they've already agreed?

My extended family and I love the game.  We play weekly from 3 locations around the country with a phone conference on the side.  Keep up the good work developers!  I like what you have done with a game I loved back in highschool.  And all that for free.  Thank you.

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Well of course everyone gets the same "advantage" or "disadvantage" but if the dice aren't rolling as expected, strategies may need to be changed. In this case, the slight variances in 1's wouldn't change gameplay much. It just means that in small battles that defender has slightly better edge than if the dice were exactly as they should be. It's not enough to sway me from playing, obviously.

Actually, the greatest flaw in my opinion is how long it takes to roll. Your choice is either roll and run out of time or take a risk with a Blitz. In desperate measures, Blitz is fine but sometimes I only want to attack if I can continue to advance. And it's not often I'm willing to attack with only 2 or 1 left when the defender may still have say, 8 or more. They need rapid rolling for these circumstances which happen to me a lot in gameplay. Sometimes, I'm just beating down armies so the next turn can't be offensive. Odds are in favor of the attacker. I always take the offense when I know there's going to be lashback (typically only when it's 1v1)


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Probability dictates every single dice roll is independent of that which occurred before it... each dice roll of a 6 on one of 5 die doesn't increase or decrease the odds the next roll. It's hard to compare rolls/dice. I've played the game in real life for years like 30 and seen insane hot streaks of 1v10 etc defending. It happens...

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The results of my dice rolling is NOT within +-5% like the rules claim they are! I have a 21% chance of rolling 1's and a 15% chance of rolling every other number... This is certainly NOT acceptable! I have lost countless attacks due to this very messed up dice rolling system!
(2.04 MB)

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What was changed with the new version? All of a sudden I have a significantly increased chance of rolling a one. Before the update I had a 16% equal chance of all probabilities. What was wrong with the last probability algorithm and what was changed to "improve" it? Seem reasonable to provide us with some info SMG!

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I think the game used the do true dice rolls until SMG changed it to the current system. I’ve also experienced a lot of heavy losses in lopsided battles lately like 20 some lost against less then ten. Really messes me up in progressive from time to time. Seems to be happening too often but I can’t say for sure. There are also a lot of very good results like ten or less lost against 20 or more which seems really good even with the attacker rolling three. Almost as if the really good and really bad are supposed to cancel each other out. I guess those outliers are just the result of the probabilities SMG put on the rolls. The 3v2 is the important case so I guess we should run some simulations with those probabilities to learn more about it. Get a chart showing how many armies are left from a given attack by percentages with a million simulations. Calculate sequences of attacks for deciding whether to try an elimination. I can probably do something like that when I have a day off.

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Well said, Mark. It is true that the mind only remembers significant things. And of course the people coming to the forums are ones who were pissed that something they didn't expect happened. It doesn't mean the algorithm is off. However, there does seem to be some issue with 1's being rolled less often, as the recorded dice rolls on all 6 of my accounts show less % in 1's than others. This wasn't the case prior to the implementation of the new algorithm, which was over a year ago now. But I do remember my dice rolls way back in the day were 16% across the board. Now it's like 14% for 1's and 17% for all others evenly. Perhaps SMG did something to give defenders a little bit more boost. As slightly less 1's would give more favor ability to the tie winner (defender) but clearly not enough to offset the actual advantage to the attacker, which can be seen in every game you play. It is also possible that coincidence has happened to me but there have been others making the claim and I've made other test accounts to check it. It's still such a slight variation that it isn't enough to notice.

Now, when they did their last update there was a flaw in the blitz. Every blitz move made against a territory with 1 was always a loss of 1 to the attacker before taking the territory. It didn't take me long to figure that out. I complained and it was fixed within a day.That flaw was obvious. No clue how the dice could possibly be flawed like that but I'm sure this game is a mess of code anyway.


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For anyone who actually wants to check whether the dice algorithm is off, there is a fair amount of data out there in the form of recorded games on youtube.  For example

I play risk just about every day and I don't think the algorithm is off.  I also record and review my games (but don't typically post to youtube).  I haven't noticed anything strange about the dice.  Sure, I lose battles I'm statistically favored to win, but that's how probability works.  What would truly be strange and questionable is if we didn't ever lose battles we were favored to win.  Humans are very good at noticing out of the ordinary things but not so good at noticing things that are as we would expect.  It's like how everyone has this idea that most drivers are idiots because they see a few dumb drivers each day.  But they don't remember all of the the good drivers, who are actually the vast majority.  The bad drivers stick out in our memory, but the good ones don't even though they're far more common.

My guess is all this complaining about "bad dice" is unintentional selective memory.  I bet if everyone complaining about bad dice would actually do some real number crunching and calculate the probabilities of their rolls using data from their games, they would discover that what happens in the game is very close to what would be expected from fair dice.

In future games try to pay specific attention to how often the dice behave more or less as you would expect.  In my experience it's the vast majority of the time.

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I want to bring up that blitz and manual dice rolls likely use the same algorithm. The difference being that blitz doesn't wait for user prompts. I also saw some talk about 6 vs 3 battles behaving differently then other cases. With all due respect to those who said that, based on my programming experience it doesn't seem very likely. I seriously doubt SMG would write a different method or block of code for every battle size. What seems more probable is that there is one block for each possible dice combination (3 vs 2, 2vs1 etc.). When battles happen the program probably loops through the appropriate block until the number of dice involved changes. So I think 6vs3 works the same as 9vs5. The crucial part of the entire algorithm is the PRNG it uses. I think that is better place for this discussion to be centered on.

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There's one way to find out if it's offensive and defensive together. Make 2 accounts. Make one single roll on each, record the rolls for offensive/defensive, then check your dice stats to confirm. Anyone got time to confirm this? I'm curious if your stats are only what you roll (yours + defender), only your offense, your offense + your defense.


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Yes grandmasters have their rolls skewed away from 1's but it isn't an advantage because everyone else's rolls work that way as well.

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I completely agree this request for creating an actual dice roll algorithm.  The current faulty dice wreck games when people get positively screwed and then leave the game.

The faulty dice mechanics are especially damaging to Risk games with Fixed card trade in rather than Progressive due to recovery time.

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SMG, your loyal playerbase accept luck as a core mechanic of Risk and that streaks are inevitably part of that. Please don't do anything funky with the algorithm to placate those blaming "unfair" rolls...

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