This August update seems to have made the game stable (finally!) - so it is well worth paying for Premium now folks!
However, increasing the number of Free users should also be a priority - as they will eventually become paying customers... and having more people around, reduces the time it takes to find enough players to start a game!
The present tokens system doesn't need to be changed - what would make things better is offering a way for Free users to earn more of those tokens...
The best way to achieve this is of course by showing Adverts - not the banner kind, which everybody hates and takes up precious screen space... the type where you watch a short commercial
This would bring in a lot of revenue for SMG from the royalties - and help increase the user base significantly... also, people are more likely to pay for Premium because they eventually get sick of having to watch the dang ads lol!
Most of the big mobile games out there use this kind of system - and do so because it works so well... there is no need to reinvent the wheel, just copy everybody else lol!
SMG started this thread 6 months ago - but there hasn't there been any progress at all... come on guys, you're losing out on all that Ad money!
Team @ SMG
IDEA: adjust tokens and refresh rate. For example
- Increase refresh rate of tokens
- Set higher limit for max tokens allowed.
- Award bonus token for online win (max. allowance per day)
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