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Report players when they are cheating.

I want to be able to report players that are cheating. Maybe by showing a recording how the game went and also report who wasncheating and how. Give them punishment of some sort.

29 people like this idea

Any player with a number in their name seems to be cheating.
As I said I earned and still hold grandmaster on an account where I only play human opponents. Expect sometimes when I'm have trouble getting a sixth I'll add a bot so people won't quit but I prefer to play with human opponents only and do so the great majority of the time. There have also been a couple times when people trap me in four bot games but I don't quit I play them and win a lot of those matches.

Watch out for cheater Corbett fearless 2 

Clearly using 3 accounts in a recent game

@sectaone - adding an AI is different than playing four AIs and one human. Interesting you now say that after you have been called out. I guess i need to remind you that you stated the following, "the other for games against one human and four AIs." I am sire most would agree that is farming the ranking system illegitimately.
I think it's pretty rare for a guy to di this. We hsve better things to do. It's more likely friends who agree to battle each other at end. Best defense is allow preset alliance chat to point out the obvious.

Constantine's suggestion of adding a personal rating for each player has universal merit and benefit, as they will receive their average rating from the majority of players, and the majority of players are who you are interested in satisfying as they keep the game alive and likely generate most income. 

If a player perceives someone else is acting unfairly, it might not be true, given a rating system people who are outliers and accuse everyone won't have an impact on ratings. Either that, or all ratings will likely decrease a bit depending on level, and players will judge by relativity, for all masters cannot be cheaters for instance, a master myself that's at least part certainty.

You offer a service, the game, and although it might make some people happy to team up at home for instance, this would be ok in some adventure game but in a game of calculated strategy, it creates dissatisfaction. 

I'm posting here today just as I'd come from a game of capitals on Boston where I was being attacked and blockaded by a master who was only getting 5 troops per turn; a master who didn't think to attack the grandmaster taking up the rest of map with 59 troops per turn. Because you can't get to master and be that ignorant, the master therefore was aware they played not in their interest and teamed with the grandmaster. 

This is an exceedingly obvious example, especially as the master in question started playing the kind of all-out aggressive Strats common once things get to 1v1 in our 2v1, and similarity had a tendency to throw out troops and protect his (buddy, alt's) borders. 


So don't let me convince you; think about it yourself. Are examples of true and blatant exploiting of the game reportable enough that players who do this will be different in personal rating than those who alliance occasionally and are unduly reported? 

Yes I have an account I used to play with where I played four AI and one human. But my main account I use against real people as I describe. Both are ranked grandmaster. Of course I never play with more than one of my accounts in the same game.

Yeah Humberto, Matt up there was defending one player using 2 accounts saying it "wasn't cheating", which is insane.

Of course one person using 2 accounts is cheating.  I'm amazed at all the people here who admit to having more than one account in the first place.  Why do you need more than one account lol?

When you play progressive card games it's possible ....difficult....but possible to win against someone with 2 accounts.  When you play fixed card games it's almost impossible.

I'd say a good 40% of the games I play have one person using 2 accounts.  It could be more than that but a lot of the time I can't tell if someone is just terrible at the game or if it's another playing cheating.

I just lost a game where I was in Australia Just happened to have 7 troops there at the start so I started building up troops......and the orange player boxed me in even though I had a 2 to 1 advantage.  I was stuck in there with a bot too and I wasn't strong enough to take out the orange player without being killed by the bot. 

I had nowhere to go even if I had wanted to but the idiot orange player instead of backing off and going somewhere else waited until he could trade in cards, then attacked.  He failed at killing me and lost all his troops.  He killed both of us right off the bat before the game had even really started.

So.....was it another player cheating or just a really really really stupid player?  Hard to say. 

My problem is when players trade in card to get more troops every other turn.  How are they doing that.  I think it is cheating.  They will get troops with two card and then again at four cards and then again at two cards.  Whats up with that.

Wow. Who has any games with 6 players that last more than 6 turns? Not a very good grandmaster at all lol. Probably was rank farming. I run into these sometimes. I've chosen to just give up on reporting most of them and use a now designated "crap" account until SMG does something about it. My other 4 grandmaster accounts will just sit and idle.

SMG seems to think it's ok for friends to play in the same game so it makes a lot of these sketchy players get off the hook as looking like friends teaming up together and then duking out the end of it. I say because there's ranks involved, they need to not be allowed to do this and should be playing only with friends in games where they want to play with each other. Or at the least, label players with the same IP address so that I can do the right thing and boot them from my games.I get that you play the board game with friends but they are ALL FRIENDS in that case. It's not fair to have friends use obvious bias to destroy all but themselves until the end just because they know each other. It's an FFA game.

Also, the major problem of low ranked players plaguing the high rank games has got to be fixed before it's worth my time and effort to find good games for my normal accounts. It could be done very simply by throwing in a min and max rank filter for game creation. If the player doesn't match the filter, they don't see the game. And I don't have to boot 50 people before I find good players AND other players won't leave the game impatient because it keeps getting clogged up with novices that I keep booting. f that's too tough to program then start putting games into rooms. Start actually segregating the players by rank. Or stop making games ranked unless we check a box that says we want a ranked game, where we can filter out the worthless players.

The above is related because not many of the cheaters have multiple high ranked accounts. I have multiple high ranked accounts but I would never enjoy the game if I'm cheating so I don't do it. Although, I'd love to get into a game with some of these cheaters and do a nice 4 on 2 with them. I have enough devices and accounts to do it lol


All working together. Could have taken one out anytime and did bot

I win games all the time against cheaters. But I also play mostly 5 and 6 player. I could see in 4 player it being a big problem if someone owns half the board/troops.

Sometimes it's a disadvantage for the cheaters using 2 accounts because their goal is to make both of them take the top positions. But sometimes one of those accounts might get badly beaten up and killing them is the way to win the game. Leave it for someone else to do and your game is over. Sometimes this is how I know they're cheating, because they don't take the obvious route of killing the weak player with 5 cards and sweeping the board.

The really good cheaters play each account like it's an individual account in a FFA, with only the slight sway of trying to position to knock out other players that aren't the "ally" account.

By the way, there are some really stupid players. This game is primarily emotion especially for the idiots. Try to play master and up and you'll find accounts more often making the intelligent decision, or cheating.

Dude you said you have multiple accounts, I don't trust any of you multiple account guys.  There's no reason to have more than one account.  I think you said you have multiple accounts in case one of your accounts drops in the rankings the other will still be there?  It means that much to you? 

I do not get why you guys care about the rankings, at all.  Let alone care about it enough to have multiple accounts.

If you're playing a progressive card game 2 accounts doesn't guarantee victory but unless you're playing against complete idiots your shot at beating them is very low.  2 accounts coordinating against you is next to impossible to overcome.  Unless you just get on a streak and finish off one player after the other.

If you're playing fixed cards good luck beating someone with 2 accounts.  You don't even know they're using 2 accounts until it's too late. 

Like I said in my experience most high ranked players are using multiple accounts.  I've seen it over and over and over where someone will have a high ranked player on the ropes only to have another "player" suddenly protect the higher ranked player.

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