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Report players when they are cheating.

I want to be able to report players that are cheating. Maybe by showing a recording how the game went and also report who wasncheating and how. Give them punishment of some sort.

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SectaOne out of curiosity why do you have two accounts? Said differently, why do you need two accounts?

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Team @ SMG, you may be listening but I don't see SMG doing anything about this issue.  You make good points all very obvious ones that we all know but you are dismissing the fact that this is happening. It is one thing to have alliances but there have been multiple games where it is so obvious there is one user playing two accounts.  I just finished a game with a GrandMaster and a Master (Adalbert moonborn 5 & Alford spiff 5) in which this occurred. The moment the game started this was fishy.  I immediately noticed the similarities in the names.  Both start with an A and end with a 5.  The grandmaster was hosting the game and the master was second in the lineup.  The host kept kicking novice and beginners until there were all intermediates or experts to play against.  I completely understand this as there are too many novices and beginners that dont play with strategy and bail early on.  I do the same thing as I know losing to a novice or beginner can greatly reduce your rank.  In this situation from the start of the game, both accounts starting working on attacking one player.  Reducing them down until it was just me and both masters.  They were leaving their borders open with 1 taking over the map and only focusing on me until they blocked me in.  Due to my irritation, I just kept letting time expire with my one country while they kept piling up men at my border, not attacking one another.  Then the grandmaster just stopped attacking and piling up while the master took over the whole map until me and the grandmaster only had one territory.  The grandmaster with 40+men, my 15, and the master with the whole map.  This process went on for about 20+ moves.  Finally, the master took me out.  This was an obvious rank farming process.  It is pretty sad when someone cares more about having their title than actually having skill.  I have witnessed this type of behavior quite a few times and something needs to be changed about it.  You need to at least have a way to report players like this or give us a permanent block feature them so we can remember who they are. 

On another point, i think you need to revisit the ranking system.  I have been expert (now at intermediate) at 7000+ rank and lose one game early on to a bunch of novices and see my rank drop to 20,000+ (which i think is ridiculous) then it takes forever to move back up.  On the flip side i have beaten grandmasters and masters and barely moved up in rank.  I have won games and actually lost rank as well.  Your ranking system is very flawed.

In summary, dont play with these two accounts ((Adalbert moonborn 5 & Alford spiff 5)) and its probably best to host your own game.

Amélie Jr.2 ans Alan Truth 3 cheating !!!!!!! Probable thé sans players
I know that everyone talks about people signing in with 2 accounts but I was just playing with someone who must have hacked the game. They were an "expert" but every single turn they "recieved 10 troops from trading in cards" even when you could clearly see they didn't have enough cards to trade in. It was extremely frustrating and there was nothing I could do about it. We should AT LEAST be able to report this type of cheating.

so is it cheating when there is a household of 6 people, of which 3 play Risk together, take down all others, then face each other at the end?

Answer: No, it isn't.

Butthurt is butthurt

@Brian Mason

That player has since been punished. If you or anyone else here suspects a player. Send us their names through a support ticket.


Just played a game against user Pope Chef and a bit. Pope Chef obviously cheated. What a loser!! Ban him.
Are you relate to Camila Cuevas, are you just a big fan, or both. ;)
I had a player which I'may pretty sure was using two accounts as the one player was down to one territory. I had eliminated all but that one but the next player should have eliminated them and collected their cards for a match of 5 but didn't. This was obvious cheating. They had troops in two territories adjacent and even deployed into one of the territories. Instead of attacking the obvious place they attacked other players and we're eliminated by the Red player on the next round. Really hate that. This wasn't just an alliance it was one person using two accounts. Or two friends working in unison to boost the one person's ranking and hand them the win.

UserName: Fitz Pummel 11

Clearly playing two accounts: He is EXPERT so he knows what he is doing. He kills all the troops of the other opponents except like 4. And then its his turn after and he kills all his soldiers and gets 4 cards from him

I would like to report horrible cheating , how can I do it ?? Is it any support from Risk customer services ?!
How can I report People, who use two Accounts ?

Yeah, I left a very negative review for this game on the App store.  If the developers can't fix the AI and keep people from playing multiple accounts it's not worth playing.  Every game has people using multiple accounts or cheating on rolls.  I just played a game where I had a 8-4 advantage and couldn't finish a player off....he had one man left.  OK, sometimes you have bad luck.  But the exact same thing happened to the next player.  He had a 7 to one advantage also lost.  Then a third player came along and finished the player and took his cards. 

This absolutely ruins the game.  I don't know if that's a flaw in the game itself of just hacking but it's complete crap. 

@sectaone, we should lump you in with the other cheating masters!!! The fact that you play one human and four AIs is lousy and a cheap way to farm your rank. It may not be cheating but it doesnt display any skill. I have been that one human player and will try to back out if i see this setup before the game starts. I have also seen someone like you boot the other players leaving one human and then quickly add the AIs before i can back out. Once the game has started, The gmaster or master focuses on attacking me hoping to bust me out then will play the four AIs after I am gone. Any of us experienced players know how to beat the AI and their adjust to their tendencies. The GrandMaster title was not earned but farmed. Pretty sad.
I have also witnessed bugs in the game where my troops were converted to another players troops. One game i had 35 men on one territory then all of a sudden it changed to 5 of a neighboring opponents. I also have issue with the fact that once an AI takes over after someone quits, that the AI either makes no moves but still gets a card. (this happens often) or moves the men to one territory and then attacks some random player dispersing its men across the map opening things up for the othe humans to take advantage. The Expert AIs need more intelligence.
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