Yeah stop cheating your customers! That one customer attacking with 30 got screwed from the customer who was the defender with only 4!
100+k people playing this game of course there will be a few who experience crazy odds and come here to complain. Also, i think in the board game you tend to complain less when rolls go insanely bad because it's roll by roll. When you can resolve a blitz instantly and see the result it can be very upsetting to go right from attack to end in a microsecond.
I'm here to finish this discussion once and for all. A random number generator being used is as good as actual dice fucking morons. If you both have lots of supplementary troops, then the casualty odds for an individual skirmish between armies is favorable to the attacker by a specific margin. The specific margin, idiots that never went to anything better than a community college, is a "profit" of 2 armies for the attacker every 13 3 vs 2 rolls. So shut up idiots, because a RNG is as good as actual die.
whole dice is scam how the hell does 21 v 17 work when i loose the lot yet he has 9 left over and not long after to take a grand master out of the game i had 8 v 4 yet he lost nothing and then he cam back to win the game what a load of BS
quite often 3 will not take a 1 when by all means 99% it should
iv asked for my money back within 1 day of playing the game when i found the dice is BS and not random
why is it when it comes to critical attacks in the game i always loose out game is bs and should be closed down
how do you explain this
game is BS these are some of the impossible losses ive had
but it is never in my favour
21 v 14 lost 21 has 11 left over
10 v 4 lost 10 has 4 left over
the dice they use is impossible or there are hacks in the game that they will not ban
I have the same problem. Initially I figured I wasn’t lucky but I experience many many times that I loose with twice the numbers.
You'll have to do a statistical analysis to substantiate any of these claims. Take a few hundred samples of blitz runs, record every scenario for troop count and outcome and then report them. I am sure you'll find that it gets pretty close to what it should be statistically. Otherwise, your brain is just remembering the upsetting moments and forgetting the times when everything went to plan, or even in your favor.
I guess that Risk can easily get this data from their server.
From my account it used to be that troops lost/killed is more or less even. Since a few months this has shifted to more than 3000 different (79K vs 82K)., even though 16% for each dice nr.
Steve Clements
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