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New Dice Algorithm / True dice rolls

Game does not use true dice roll probabilities. Many, many times I've had 97-99% chance to win and dont.

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Army of 50 Vs 3. Blitz roll and lose. 2nd army of 50 in neighbouring country to same 3, blitz and lose. That is a messed up rolling system. Same for all? That doesn't make it ok. It's messed up.
Some people hit the nail on the head. SMG ignores the Blitz Transition Matrix problem, lumping it into the RNG whining. They havent given me, a PhD in engineering, any real reason why they assign values to the Transition Matrix the way the do. Plus its not good business to ignore customer complaints I dont think they are stupid. I do think they dont understand Markov processes versus reality in Risk. For shame. The company hat had Risk before them seems more responsive and technically superior. These guys are hacks when it comes to stochastic processes. Dr. A
Your algorithms are complete garbage. Repeatedly, there have been instances where I should have statistically won a bout, but the guy with 4 managed to obliterate an army of 30. I don’t know if you and your company choose to cheat your customers, but rest assured that everyone will know what kind of crap workmanship you have with your “game”.

Yeah stop cheating your customers! That one customer attacking with 30 got screwed from the customer who was the defender with only 4!

100+k people playing this game of course there will be a few who experience crazy odds and come here to complain. Also, i think in the board game you tend to complain less when rolls go insanely bad because it's roll by roll. When you can resolve a blitz instantly and see the result it can be very upsetting to go right from attack to end in a microsecond.

I find that the rolls seems skewed in some manner.. I just tried a test where I had several countries (auto placed) with only two or three armies in each and I rolled only using one die vs one die and lost every roll except the last. It seems to me that when faced with small armies the likelihood of winning is way less especially compared to if I have say 15 armies vs countries with one. I’ll never lose the battle (particularly on blitz mode) and can virtually walk across the continent not losing armies. Something is wrong with this picture.
I really like this game but its very frustrating when your opponent has 15 armies and you have 8 and they attack you and they dont lose 1 single army! Thats total BS. If it only happened once in a great while but I see it happen all the time and it starts feeling like there is not true randomness to the dice. Its frustrating enough to the point Im about ready to delete this game

I'm here to finish this discussion once and for all. A random number generator being used is as good as actual dice fucking morons. If you both have lots of supplementary troops, then the casualty odds for an individual skirmish between armies is favorable to the attacker by a specific margin. The specific margin, idiots that never went to anything better than a community college, is a "profit" of 2 armies for the attacker every 13 3 vs 2 rolls. So shut up idiots, because a RNG is as good as actual die.

I came to this forum to find out if the AI on expert mode takes advantage of 'rigged' dice rolls to make the game harder. That to me would simply make the game unfair, not harder. Reading through this discussion I agree that the supposedly 'random' dice rolls can too frequently generate results that go against all odds. You can accept unlucky rolls in accordance with the odds, but after playing this game countless times for many weeks I can reliably predict when a dice roll that is hugely in my favour will go against me. My games today were essentially the last straw, throwing successive dice combos with 99% chance of winning but don't just makes it unplayable.
I started playing this version about a month ago and have racked up over 200 games. I have played Risk for over 40 years. Starting of course with the board game, then vs computer and then online. It is very frustrating when you roll 10 against 3 or 20 against 8 and lose. However I remember quite well in the old days when rolling live dice and being pissed at similar outcomes. I don't have a PhD in Math or Statistics like the other commenters on this thread. Yet it seems to me that the game seems pretty random most of the time. I have played all my games on my Samsung tablet using my Sprint network connection because I prefer the 10.5 screen. For some strange reason the tablet connection is horrible inside my apt, while it is excellent for my Samsung smartphone. During several games I have had connection issues while playing and attacking. Several times I have been sweeping through countries with a large army and lost connection. When the app reconnected it resets me back to before the 1st attack. Every single time I have re-attacked the dice roll outcomes have been different. More than a few times I have had to re-attack 3 times on the same turn. Which is why I never play 60 seconds. Sometimes I lose more armies the 2nd or 3rd time and sometimes I lose less armies. Of course I love it when I lose fewer and curse my tablet when I lose IMHO my experiences demonstrate that the algorithms, while probably could be better, are random and equally fair to all. When I played sports the only thing we asked of the officials was to call it both ways to be fair. Be it travelling, strike zone, pass interference or holding. I think this game does that.

 whole dice is scam how the hell does 21 v 17 work when i loose the lot yet he has 9 left over and not long after to take a grand master out of the game i had 8 v 4 yet he lost nothing and then he cam back to win the game what a load of BS

quite often 3 will not take a 1 when by all means 99% it should

iv asked for my money back within 1 day of playing the game when i found the dice is BS and not random

 why is it when it comes to critical attacks in the game i always loose out game is bs and should be closed down

 how do you explain this

game is BS these are some of the impossible losses ive had

but it is never in my favour

21 v 14 lost 21 has 11 left over

10 v 4 lost 10 has 4 left over

the dice they use is impossible or there are hacks in the game that they will not ban

this is classed as fraud when you buy a game you expect it to be fair but when it is not then its a breach
not only that but when the cards come along the strongest player keeps getting 10 / 12 each time when quite often i only get 4 or 8

I have the same problem. Initially I figured I wasn’t lucky but I experience many many times that I loose with twice the numbers. 

You'll have to do a statistical analysis to substantiate any of these claims. Take a few hundred samples of blitz runs, record every scenario for troop count and outcome and then report them. I am sure you'll find that it gets pretty close to what it should be statistically. Otherwise, your brain is just remembering the upsetting moments and forgetting the times when everything went to plan, or even in your favor.

I guess that Risk can easily get this data from their server.

From my account it used to be that troops lost/killed is more or less even. Since a few months this has shifted to more than 3000 different (79K vs 82K)., even though 16% for each dice nr.

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