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TURNCOAT - player statistic to show % of alliances broken

IDEA: A player statistic visible to other players that shows your % of alliance broken before <x> number of turns.

[Note: exact number of turns to be defined.]

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109 people like this idea

Worst suggestion ever, this is the edge of the game. Not knowing if your allies are trustworthy or not. It's the same thing when you play with friends in the board game. Don't mess this up with rules or statistics!

5 people like this
This suggestion is good, but it would be hard to add. Lets say player 1 and player 2 are in an alliance. If player 1 attacks player 2, and player 2 breaks the alliance. Does player 2 get punished? If an alliance is broken when a player attacks an ally, another problem would occur. Let's say player 1 has a continent secured except for one territory with very few troops owned by player 2. Now if player 1 attacks that territory, he breaks the alliance, even if both players are fine with it. Now, if a system is implemented where the ally who owns the territory can "authorize" a attack, what if the player who owns the territory declines? In this case player 1, who has most of the continent is at a disadvantage and only player 2 would be at a advantage. Now, player 1 has 2 choices. Does he break the alliance or get the extra troops from the continent? In either choice, player 1 is at a disadvantage from having his turncoat percent become higher or from missing the extra troops. Situations like these is what makes the turncoat percent inaccurate or meaningless, even if a player is breaking an alliance because the alliance is only one sided.

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I believe a more "useful" info would to know how many allies a player currently has...

8 people like this
When the purpose of the game is to be the only one left on the map, you must ultimately betray all alliances. And sometimes you must take an allies territory to move through and attack an enemy. The statistic would not be accurate.

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what if your ally is only available attack?

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Trojanwhite, what if you took over an allied territory just for controlling a whole continent/area?

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Trojanwhite,  as an idea, we could adjust the rules of alliances, to make this stat more meaningful. So when you make an alliance request you'd propose a level of agreement (casual, don't attack for 1 turn, 2 turns etc). 

24 people like this
I do but there should be a noticeboard as ive encountered lots of dishonourable players who break alliances withoutinforming the ally so this would be a useless stat as often it would be the victim who breaks the alliance after being betrayed

15 people like this
Not necessary. Keep your own notebook.

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