I agree and have felt this way since day one. Some suggestions:
If a player attacks an ally, that alliance is immediately broken and no longer shows in player options. This will matter with stat tracking.
Stat tracker to show: Average turns players alliances last. Yes, that player being attacked, and the alliance being over will effect that stat. However, there are times when a player might attack said ally because they are obviously assisting another player who is attacking you. Therefore a player with a long turn count on their alliances shows something.
% of alliances broken by that player. Meaning they went into options first to break.
Avg turns after player breaks alliance that they attack player they were allied with OR % of broken alliances they attack them the same turn they break that alliance.
% of alliances that player has attacked their ally without first breaking the alliance and/or waiting at least one turn.
Avg # of alliances made per game.
Make an alliance option for certain amount of turns up to max amount. Should be an option that is able to be turned off/on in game options as it makes the game very different to play strategically. If allied for X turns, either player is unable to attack the other. You can break the alliance, but not be able to attack until the beginning of your next turn.
Hi Scott, the next update in Feb will address all 3 of your issues. Thanks –Lee@SMG
Team @ SMG
IDEA: A player statistic visible to other players that shows your % of alliance broken before <x> number of turns.
[Note: exact number of turns to be defined.]
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