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Secret Mission RISK

IDEA: This is Risk with a twist based on the 1993 Secret Mission rules.

Each player a specific mission short of complete world domination. Players do not reveal their missions to each other, and the first person to complete their mission wins. Missions are:

  1. Capture Europe, Australia and one other continent
  2. Capture Europe, South America and one other continent
  3. Capture North America and Africa
  4. Capture North America and Australia
  5. Capture Asia and South America
  6. Capture Asia and Africa
  7. Capture 24 territories
  8. Capture 18 territories and occupy each with two troops
  9. Destroy all armies of a specific color or—if one's own troops are that color—capture 24 territories (one mission for each color)

NB: if a player's mission is to destroy all armies of a particular color, and another player kills off the last armies of that color, their mission changes to capturing 24 territories.

HOW TO VOTE FOR THIS FEATURE? Tap the 'Do you like this idea?' below

104 people like this idea

I was talking about the version were you get 4 secret mission cards. Captain, major, colonel and general, 4 different levels of difficulty. One easy mission could be conquer two areas through water passages. Another one more difficult could be conquer North America by the end of the turn. When you only have one mission left you must show it to all your opponents.

7 people like this
This is exactly what I want! This is the most popular, and biggest selling version of risk, would be a great addition to the game. Please make this!

6 people like this

Samh - we really want to make this too. We moved the feature requests from the FAQ to this forum to allow for more discussion, but while on the FAQ it was amongst the top 5 most voted features.

4 people like this
Danny it's one of the most popular versions of the game, and trust me, it's reallly fun. There are only ten or so cards so you will learn them all and be able to look out for people achieving them. I think chat is definitely needed though.

4 people like this
This is a classic twist, should be a option on set up screen

3 people like this
Best version and the original version! Defiantly should be added. But agree there needs to be a form of chat but I understand open chat isn't an option for multiple reasons. Maybe with this, use the same idea as alliances for chat. Ie; you click icon bottom left corner (chat), then click which player you wish to discuss, then click suggest what mission this person has (there would be a list that pops up of all missions in the game), and like the emojis, it would come up on everyone's screens once you choose. Side note: this chat feature could lead to extra communication in the future which could be very helpful!

3 people like this
Any word if this is gluing to happen anytime soon? There are achievements for winning a game of capital risk and for wining a game of secret mission risk, but don't see them available to play...

2 people like this
I know this was suggested a year ago. Is there any hope of this or any game mode being added? @Team SMG?

2 people like this
Secret mission RISK is the best.

2 people like this
When could we expect the secret missions?

2 people like this
I don't like option 9. All others are fine.

2 people like this

I came to this forum with several ideas but that one is the most important.

It would give the game muuuuuch more interest. I like global domination but alternating playing modes would be great :D

2 people like this
Old skool style. Oh yeah

2 people like this
Please are this feature!

1 person likes this
This feature would make the game really 100 times more interesting thanks to the suspense brought by the following unknown: what missions have my opponents been able to draw ... ??? Do not hesitate, add this ! 

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