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Live / free chat with RISK players and alliances

IDEA: Live in-game chat with other players and or allies only (that you've formed an alliance with).

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165 people like this idea

I feel like the main reason chat isnt implemented is because it will change the rating of the game because there is no swearing right now but even with filters people will still be able to put spaces or just be mean or bully. I would love to be able to chat with players so I really hope you can make it possible somehow
Risk has so many options when making a game, why can’t there be one more for ppl who want to chat? If players become abusive, etc, then it would result it players looking for games without a chat.
Like I said I think they dont even have something like that because it would go from E for everyone rating to T for teen.
Or maybe they could have preset messages such as I wont attack your continent if you dont attack mine or choose certain territories you want them to leave alone. Just so you could prevent bullying and swearing
Not needed. Maybe some emojis.
Private chat for players after the game would be the only option.
This would be awesome!!!!!!! In-game chat just brings a new element of strategy and adds another layer to this great game! After all, in real life, you would be communicating anyway. Even if it’s just preset chat messages (which is kinda lame). Please please please please please implement this!

it would be very helpful

I think that this will make the game very toxic, I dont want to listen to people offending me.

OMG YES!!!!!! This the the only thing that this game is missing. Please make this happen ASAP!!!!!!
I would like the chat function to expose cheaters. I am tired of two people playing together to rig the outcome.
Yea that would be so cool
1.I think it’s great idea but there may be some toxic so you can make censure in chat 2. And I think chat should be divided on public chat when you write to everyone and private when you talk to only to one person

even if there was you do not attack my contient and I will not attack yours until there is only the 2 of us left option would be very helpful.

I hardly support this. This is the main missing of the game. At least, we should have “I wont attack you unless you attack me” “The yellow guy is very strong, attack him.” “You can take this (tapped territory) territory, no problem.”

(sorry for poor English)

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