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Live / free chat with RISK players and alliances

IDEA: Live in-game chat with other players and or allies only (that you've formed an alliance with).

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165 people like this idea

Great idea to have a chat function , please action when you can 
Foul language control and maybe limit # of times you can send suggestions and/or be able to block 'cause people will try to use it to distract u when you're on a time limit and attacking them

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I love this idea, save for I also think an all chat would be beneficial, and a chat for your allies. Propaganda and manipulation is one of the core tenets of Risk, hence the whole, breaking friendships simulator thing.

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C'mon support team. Doin a grand job with the game, but this is a essential asset to the game that needs implemented.

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Been playing Risk for a long time. Anybody that knows anything about the game knows that that chat is a basic necessity. It makes the whole alliance button a joke to me too. Bottom line is that it adds a ton of strategy to the game which is why we play. Maybe some players would rather play with the simple strategy of the basic rules and wouldn't want to get chat owned but you could easily implement chat as a new open(on/off). In which case I would never join a muted game.......Still a decent game but an incredible injustice to the Game of Risk.

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This would be a disaster unless everything typed was public for all to see. Otherwise the game would revolve mostly around manipulating players via secret conversations.

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Messages should be private.
Free chat tendo to get rude / hijacked. Suggest having a set of phrases (maybe one set for allies, one set for others) to choose, e.g.: "Nice move" "OK to take my teritory," "Oops" etc. Picking a phrase would be quicker than typing and curb foul language.
Chat is very important, also to have chat on the main menu would be great too
All you have to do is have an option to report toxic players and it will be fine

I think chatting is not a good idea. Communication in other languages than English or chit-chats, or aggressive comments, or false information or whatever else would make the game not serious, so not a strategic game. 

My suggestion would be that instead of a chatting room, there would be some prefixed lines and options

You mean basically like clash Royale ? But for risk there would need to be so many different options that it would be absurd.

I think your right, but I think a chat option, and especially when you play from a mobile phone would be a disaster

I'm not sure I'd trust other players to be mature about it if there was a full chat feature. Maybe instead of a full chat feature, some preloaded messages or other non-verbal methods of communication? Like an ability to flag specific territories for allies to attack, and some things like "Good move"? I don't know. It just seems like a bad idea to let people talk freely. This is the internet and people get upset when they start to lose or get backstabbed or something. I feel like you'll have to add moderators, etc.

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This would be a must specially when you allied with everybody you could let the other player know i see it all the time they will tell you to attack green when you know they have an Alliance with green and you i would love chat
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