WM Craft: I boot low ranked players lile novice and beginners amd sometimes also intermediatr players, because I loose too many points if I dont win the game..
If tryed that SO many times now and its not fun to go back to beginner/intermediate when u are expert
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Jeremy Qualls
about 8 years ago
Been wanting basic char features to interact with opponenta and players.
about 8 years ago
I would like this feature. Heck even some preset chat text would be cool.
Eric N Nayomie Duran
about 8 years ago
The best part of risk is the social aspect making and breaking alliances,fun banter,etc.This feature would really set this game ahead of so many.
Carl schleppe
about 8 years ago
No chat means less work trying to convince people to attack others!!! But the fundamental of the game! I always tell my mom not to attack me
about 8 years ago
Great idea, it would be perfect for talking to allies and strategising etc, however there would need to be a chat filter to stop cussing
Mark Janes
about 8 years ago
Add more communication options like leave my continent's alone but take others or you have to add chat. Currently we cannot do any real strategy in a strategy game. It all boils down to how long until someone turns on you or you turn on them.
Carl schleppe
about 8 years ago
It's a tough thing to add in to the game I really like the focus on the game and using the board and troop movement to express one self it gives element of surprise
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about 8 years ago
Blind alliance chat would make the unfair alliances even worse. It's bad enough when the dude in Africa refuses to take the bonus of the dude in Europe, now you want be able to say "hay lets move all our troops and concentrate right here so this guy has no chance" that sounds like fairplay, sarcasm just in case you cant tell. You need to have a liitle respect that your alli is going to screw you otherwise you should have just started with 2 players. If you cant talk, its makes it harder to know what they are thinking. While I'm on a roll, just because we are allis does not mean you need to tell me where to attack. I will attack what is good for me and not you. It just means that i will wait till later to attack you. Also does anybody else love the guy that tells you to attack red even though they are clearly an alliance together.
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William Fugere
about 8 years ago
There should be a main chat for everyone in the game, and 1 on 1 chat for allies. Chat is the MOST NEEDED feature by far right now, and I'm sure most everyone agrees with that.
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Abu Talha
about 8 years ago
I have already requested this feature I will make the game more intetesting.
Abu Talha
about 8 years ago
Sorry it will make the more interesting (sorry for the mistake)
William Fugere
about 8 years ago
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Steve disipio
about 8 years ago
I boot novice playerz too because if they dont quit 2 turns into the game they attack me 100% of the time. We need an option to only allow players of a certain rank into a game!!!!
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Steve disipio
about 8 years ago
I would like to suggest some easy things for SMG Studios to do.
1:Stop showing player rank.
I am sick of people trying to kill me just because i am master or expert rank. Each game basicly ends up being a 5 versus 1.
2. Have a cheater button on each game that automaticly reports a cheater to to admin.
If its not a 5 v 1 game there is a jerk with 2 or even 3 accounts. I played a grandmaster who controlled 2 extra players. I recorded the game so i have proof.
Let us make games that only allow players of a selected rank to join. Too many novices quit the game ruining it.
These easy fixes need to be done. I am ready to quit playing because most games are have idiots .
Team @ SMG
IDEA: Live in-game chat with other players and or allies only (that you've formed an alliance with).
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