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Botting out in Ranked needs to stop

Quitting/ rage quitting and playing against botted players is not in the spirit of competitive multiplayer and needs to be addressed. 

Botting out in ranked ruins the game for competitive players

Botting out results in many problems that ruin the game for competitive players. For example it can result in a 6 player game turning in to a human vs. AI when all other 5 players bot out. There are cases when unskilled players rage quit and let the expert bot play their position for them. This may gain them an unfair advantage. When some one bots out, human players may disregard the botted player, when the potted player returns they may once again find themselves in an advanced position. Also, it's not fun playing against bots when you signed up to play against real people. 

"Sorry our alliance is over." *RED PLAYER OFFLINE*

"Did you think I quit? lol jk I came back *proceeds to win game after bot stacking for 20 mins*

Ultimately botting out ruins game quality and makes the Ranked game mode and points ladder rather meaningless. Essentially it makes Ranked mode just another Casual mode.

Penalties for quitters and incentivising casual gamers to play Casual mode instead of Ranked.

For ranked to be truly fun for competitive players quitting needs to be disincentivised. Penalties need to be implemented for quitters such as loosing rank and getting restricted from joining new ranked games for a while. On the other hand it's not a problem if a player in Ranked disconnects a single time but returns promptly. Players who stick around to the end should be rewarded.

For those who don't want to be stuck in a "lost game" go play Casual mode.

Casual players need to be incentivised to play in casual mode. (And not Ranked). This could be done by adding casual mode features and rewards exclusive to casual mode. Just like Ranked points are exclusive to Ranked mode.

Of course cases such as hostage holding needs to be addressed. Aka. if some one is intentionally stalling the game when they could have already won. For example when their troop count exceeds all enemy troops combined by 100% should be auto win. 

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