A Time Bank option should be implemented for smoother, fairer turn rotation. Players would be issued banked time, say 2 minutes at the start of the game. Each turn player gets a short but reasonable time to complete his turn, say 30 seconds. At the end of the 30 seconds, players Time Bank begins to tick down. Players turn ends when his TIme Bank reaches 0.
This encourages players to play promptly without making longer turns impossible for less dexterous players.
A Time Bank option should be implemented for smoother, fairer turn rotation. Players would be issued banked time, say 2 minutes at the start of the game. Each turn player gets a short but reasonable time to complete his turn, say 30 seconds. At the end of the 30 seconds, players Time Bank begins to tick down. Players turn ends when his TIme Bank reaches 0.
This encourages players to play promptly without making longer turns impossible for less dexterous players.