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 Hello people!

 I am new here so perhaps this has already been prosed  before and there are good reasons why there isn't a draw optin.   But why isn't there a draw option?  

Sometimes  game of Risk  gets into a balanced state,  generally where 3 players are  left  and are strong enough not to be killed by any  of the otyher players.   In those cases  it  becomes impossible to do anyting  strategically intelligent to win.  The game becomes a waiting   for  someone to tilt or disconnect game. 

So there should be a draw option  that declares the game a draw if all players agree to it.    Maybe the option should appear after a certain amout of turn?    after turn 23 for instance?    or turn 50? I don't know whats best.  Itshould be nnavailable when there is a bot or when only 2 players are left.

It should only be available when there  3 human players and the game has dragged  on for a certain amount of time and or turns.

Some games of risk are simply a draw.  And I cannot see why there isnt an  option to agree to it.     

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