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Different sound when my turn, chat while in waiting room, finish watching match even if you lose

 Hello there!

Great job on the game. Love it!

A few small suggestion for upcoming patches:

1) How about a sound that is different at the start of your turn than that of everybody else's. Sometimes when I play I try to get stuff done around the house (e.g. dishes, etc.) but have to keep a visual eye on the game for my turn. A sound effect for my turn different than everyone else's would remedy this.

2) Sitting in a waiting room waiting for players to join can be a bit boring. What about some sort of chat system like what you have while playing. Something where you can say "Hi, I'm from ...", "Hello" or a multitude of other things.

3) Sometimes when I lose it has been such a good game that I would like to finish watching it even if I am out. Maybe an option to stay and watch the end of the game if you lose.


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