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Minimum action time, or swipe to attack

PC players have an extreme advantage over mobile players due to the ability to simply hit enter twice rather than having to manually clicking attack. Assuming the territories are minimally defended, PC players can take tripple or more the number of territories that mobile players can, which changes the turn timer from an anti-stalling device which maintains the pace of play into a weaponized advantage for the PC player, who can use this mechanical advantage to clear the board in the time it takes the mobile player to move across a continent or two. Adding a minimum action time of 0.5 to 2 seconds per territory takeover would equalize this advantage. Alternatively, allowing mobile players to swipe a line through all territories they wish to attack in a row, leaving a single troop on each conquered territory, would also equalize the advantage. Allowing one platform a massive mechanical advantage over another without an attempt to equalize it unsporting in the extreeme, and very poor game design.

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this is true but also just wouldn't work because then the mobile players have the advantage. Also I don't play true random but for people who do, what happens if the mobile player swipes 5 territories but dies on the first one. I like where your heads at and this is definitely an issue but this just isn't the solution.

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