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Display cheating users

Dear sir/madam There are just too many times of cheating players.I propose a new feature to be added. When a player who has been found to be cheating in the last 8 months or so, when this player join a new game, the owner of the game will be able to see that this person cheated in the last 8 months. The owner of the game can then decide whether to block this person from joining the game. All other clean players in the game can also see who previously cheated in last 8 months. If the cheating player decide to create own game, those who join that game will also be able to see that the owner of that game previously cheated in last 8 months. This will allow the clean joining player to leave or continue. The duration of 8 months is what I would suggest but is open to shorter duration. After that 8 months with no further cheating, will have a clean record. Repeated offense will start a new 8 months display. If cheating player still cheat during the 8 months, then duration increase to 12 months display (second strike). If 3rd time cheating, then ban this cheating player for 12 months. Clean players want good competitive, fair play and good game. Thanks Saygin

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