If you buy the game you get unlimited tokens... that's the point of the tokens for free games
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Lil Noahz
almost 8 years ago
Yes I know that but I'm 13 and my parents arent going to pay 6 dollars to play a game when I have a ps4 I wouldn't even buy it because it's ridiculous can you at least make it 10 tokens and you can win tokens and like 35 minutes or an hour for 1 token because it really sucks waiting after getting ganged on
Goat-ward the Gamer
almost 8 years ago
Agreed, It dosent even work. Ive been siting at 6 hours for about 3 hours now
Garrett kyler sheckler
almost 8 years ago
Yes i hate waiting for seven hours to play another game espeicly when defeating my brothers and russia
Lil Noahz
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