I can agree with the similar rank only part however it only works if there's enough people playing. There are times when there's not that many people online and I'd be ok with playing a few intermediates but definitely need to have at least a min/max rank option.
Any update on this request? I believe it is a fair request that makes a lot of sense.
This idea would greatly improve my experience with this app. Long ago I learned playing novices and beginners is very often not worth it. They make ridiculous moves and quit at the drop of a hat only to be replaced with the boring in game AI. I've wasted so much time kicking novices and beginners out of games I host. It would save everyone's time (including the novices and beginners) and improve everyone's experience if we could filter games by player class.
I think a game host should be able to adjust rank limits for the game just like they can adjust the turn length. If the filter were such that we couldn't filter out players one class above or below our own class. There would be mixing between the different classes, but players could avoid huge mismatches in skill/experience. And at least for the higher ranking players, this could reduce exposure to the two device cheaters. Usually they have a high raking account and a low ranking account. Being able to filter out beginners and novices would immediately cut out most of my exposure to this type of cheater.
I think everyone would be happier if they could chose to compete only with those of a similar skill level. This idea needs to be implemented.
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