Wow that totally changed people's minds and views on the subject.
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Shawn Gallagher
about 8 years ago
Please please please loose the coin feature... I love the game but that feature limits me to 3 games only. Then I have to wait many hours. I think it would be more beneficial to those of us who play just to play, opposed to those who are playing for rank... Or at least add a feature like ( as in similar ) to the tutorial mode where we can just play the computer for something to do.
Thank you for your time in reading this.
Momen Faisal
almost 8 years ago
I speak for everybody when I say remove the ridicilous token system, the game is a cash grab and a shitty one at it, until it removes the Tokens, it can rot in hell, cash grabs are disgusting pieces of shits and are just worthless crap.
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Goat-ward the Gamer
almost 8 years ago
Agreed, It dosent even work. Ive been siting at 6 hours for about 3 hours now
almost 8 years ago
There's a reason token and energy systems exist in games - so the developers can pay their bills. For the small price of $6, you can have ALL of the games you would ever want.
Marius Nyberget
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