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Report players when they are cheating.

I want to be able to report players that are cheating. Maybe by showing a recording how the game went and also report who wasncheating and how. Give them punishment of some sort.

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I understand the rules of Risk. Unfortunately, I just gave up on a game where my opponent was getting more troops on each turn than I was. I had South America and I would get 5 troops. He had Australia and would get 7 to 9 depending on how many territories they had. The players handle is OctagonalAquarius366. My handle is Ivan Ironside 3. I paid for unlimited games. I'm done playing (or adding) my Risk profile until this gets fixed. It's ridiculous.... Please reply and let me know what you think.

 Matt, you literally started a thread whining about people being sick of cheaters and you've been defending cheaters and cheating for 2 years.

2 YEARS dude.

So you talking about "whining" is pretty funny.

You probably do win more than me....I don't cheat.

big bity, no argument intended as you may not have had this happen to you...

I to have had many games where two or more players appear to be played by the same player.

- I make this assumption as one player is aggressive, and the other attacks know one the entire game. It's possible the one player got dropped, but strange coincidence the afk player per say only has territories in your country. 

I personally would like to see the game auto play for afk players as it does now, but only for a short period of time to allow a player to try and rejoin. But why for an ENTIRE GAME ? Just makes for a scenario for players to play multiple players and try to exploit a game feature. 

I admit I tried it a couple of times a few years ago. And then found it ruined the game so I stopped. Literally I realized I would get bored. And then the one time 2 years ago was against a guy I knew was a cheater. Skull Brooks 4 I think was the name of one of his accounts. I forget the other but I'd remember it if I saw it. I already explained why i have 6 accounts. I don't use more than 1 at a time. They did come in handy to see if hosted games were bugged out but now that we have a rank filter I don't need to do that anymore because I don't have to boot anyone and have yet to see it happen from someone just leaving.

For Matt, It is true that SMG posted the rule clarifying that using more than one account is cheating but that didn't mean that it wasn't against the rules prior to that post. You're like the guy who commits to a girl but has several others and tells her it wasn't cheating because she didn't say that having other girls in a commitment is cheating. You only get 1 player in a free for all.

Also, the following:

- See thru walls

- All Sixes

- Freeze Game Mode

- Skip a Turn

are called hacks. Hacking is a form of cheating. Just like playing with more than 1 account.

Here's what Matt once said:
"One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!"

lol. Yet today he says:
"...if one person uses two account I would say he's cheating, but would not agree he's using a cheat!

Were we ever discussing using "cheats" also known as "hacks?" lol

You are correct, thanks :)

Does not make me a cheater... nor have I said that I personally cheat.

"expert" lol

The real expert cheaters are the ones who play the 2+ accounts like they aren't a team. Having 2 accounts just simply increases odds of winning overall and not playing for each other disguises the fact you're cheating. I wonder if SMG would even reset someone playing like this. As long as you kill your almost dead account to capture cards but not kill each other when both are strong...

But yeah screw cheating. I'd get bored really fast and probably stop playing.

Well I learned my lesson today.  I will not play a grandmaster again.  They don't get that rank honestly.  It was so apparent that two accounts were working together it was pathetic.  They even both started spamming me alliance requests at the same time in order to delay my attacks so I couldn't wipe the grandmaster on my turn.  

There really needs to be a report function for this.  It takes the fun out of it.

If anyone is curious the player names are: Rjd10036 (grandmaster) Giselle the wise 3 (beginner).

Please don't lump us all together. Both my accounts have Grandmaster rank and I earned it fairly. Cheating is a problem but if you send in a support ticket the people at SMG will look into it.
Everytime I play a game with more than 1 master or grandmaster involved, they do obvious moves to help eachother. It becomes obvious it is the same player playing 2 accounts on the same game. I just don't get how you can be satisfied to reach the top if the rankings by cheating legit players on the way. Shit!! I once got to 845 ranking, and ended up getting knocked all the way back to 132000. I was playing fair, and it is bloody frustrating. I nearly deleted the app, but stuck with it.
Face facts..... Cheats are ruining this game for genuine players. Period.
Des chin, another master did that to me, possibly the same guy, and I absolutely smashed him! For what it's worth, I reported someone for cheating and it was reviewed and they found out he was cheating. So it seems like everything is in place to report cheaters.
A couple of reasons. First I play different types of games with each account. One of them I use for playing against four or five human opponents the other for games against one human and four AIs. I prefer to play against humans because I find it more fun, but I can reach higher ranks playing against one human and four AIs. I like to keep them separate so that I have a measure of how good I am at each type of game. Second if I were to go on a losing streak with one of my accounts the other would still be on the leaderboard.

 I give up.  SMG online Risk is just busted.  Almost every single game has multiple accounts working together.  I just played a game where right off the bat the Purple player started attacking me nonstop....right at the beginning of the game.

It made no tactical sense.  I love risk but playing a decent game online is almost impossible because of all the players with multiple accounts.

I get that the developers probably don't give a shit but damn, the game is broken.

Personally, I would like a team mode, for players who want to play with their friends as a team, no cheat co-op play mode. 

I think my buddy and I could own any pair or two pairs of players out there, would love to prove just that!

Bring on a tournament, single player or team - I can prove my skills over being called a cheater! 

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