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Turn Timer Extension after Opponent Defeat

The risk timer would be reset or partially reset after defeating an opponent. This would allow more time for drafting after territory card seizure additional attack, and fortification. It would also eliminate the forfeiture of seized cards and bonus troops if an opponent is defeated directly before the turn timer expires.

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They have made it so you get something like an additional 30-60s when you trade in cards from a kill. I only play 3m+ games which is normally plenty of time for me to figure out my strategic path and blow the whole map in one turn and still have time left over. 120s games, which are the most common are still doable but pretty gut-wrenching if you try to clear the entire map. Usually you have to plan accordingly for that forfeiture of turn. I haven't played those since the card turn in timer addition but I'd imagine it's still not an easy run on the map.

It's very simple. The timer for the game should be set for "planning" and when you make an attack, whether blitz or not, the timer freezes. Give it at least 3s from the time of hitting the attack that it freezes and I'll be happy. The concept should be that you can attack continuously without any time building up, but any time taken to think will run the timer. I'd easily go back to 120s or even 90s games if the implemented this. It'd be nice if I wasn't forced to blitz in situations where it can be game changing to do so.


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But it would be logical for the feature of dynamic turn timer extension if the player is still attacking. It doesn't make sense when the same turn timer of say 90 secs applies to a player who attacks 1 territory compared to a player who is on a chain attacking 20 territories. Both players has the same amount of turn time but one use it for one attack/one dice-roll, another one needs 20 attacks/20 dice-rolls. It is also nerve wracking to see the timer getting towards the end but I am still in the process of attacking. And then suddenly the timer ends and I got no time to complete my chain-attack and fortified my troops. The game is stupid when its like you get penalised for attacking too many territories, because you have only the same amount of turn time to attack, be it one territory or 30 territories. I love the suggestion of freezing the timer during attacking, meaning the timer clocks only for planning and not for attacking and dice-roll. Whats the point of adding the manual dice-roll in global gameplay when no one is using it? Everyone else is using blitzed dice-roll especially when you needs to attack a number of territories. Either a dynamic turn timer which varies on the number of consecutive attacks or freezing the turn timer during attack would really helps. This needs to be seriously look into. :)

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I quite like the old system where if you're playing a game with a 60 second timer you only get 60 seconds to complete your go. I don't like that players now get extra time. The whole point of a 60 second game is to keep the game flowing quickly and to make people think on their feet. If you're playing against 5 people you potentially have 5 lots of 60 seconds to plan your move. It's a bit like chess, you should be planning many turns in advance and multiple strategies/contingencies in your head of what you would do depending on the variables and possibilities. Part of the fun is contemplating "do I have enough time to kill an enemy and then fortify to protect my continent". Part of the game is luck as to whose turn it will be at the point at which the weakest opponent is in a position of A. (in an area not surrounded by other armies), B. (has a low enough number of armies to attack), C. (has enough cards to make the kill worthwhile). Really other than doing the maths of "is it worthwhile" the only skill involved is being able to do it against the timer. Being given a large chunk of extra time really puts finishing off an opponent down to positional luck. I guess you can sometimes block others so they have to go through you to take out the weak player but that's not always possible and quite risky. I do however quite like the idea of having an extra 30 seconds to deploy the armies from your new territory cards, but not to then go on attacking. It's too powerful an update which is based mostly on luck of who gets it.

I already submitted a feature request (and I was going to make a new post but found this one) but I wondered other peoples take on it. What's most annoying to me about the game, though I love Risk, is the way the timer works. 60 seconds, or even 120 seconds is not enough time when running the board. I personally think you should get a second or so back when taking a territory because it sucks when the turn ends and you can't even fortify troops. So you have to make the added effort of choosing between continuing a run/attacking, or strategically fortifying. In addition, you have not time to make a strategic decision but point, click, attach, click 'OK' repeat. It also makes the game go on forever when there's only two players left going back and forth with a but load of armies. Attacking defending, attacking defending, and so on. It makes the game last way longer but it's generally obvious who's going to win at that point.

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