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New Dice Algorithm / True dice rolls

Game does not use true dice roll probabilities. Many, many times I've had 97-99% chance to win and dont.

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Its not the dice rolls thats the problem. The problem is tbe Blitz Transition Matrix probabilities that utilize tge spe ific random number to test against the predefined probability for each transition. SMG has defined the probabilitu for each transition.For example a 10 vs 4 transition probability has been defined as x. If the uniform ra dom number is less tgan x, then its a fail. The issue is their choice of the value x. They need to have a more accurate Transition Matrix.

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I was under the impression that the dice rolls were calculated locally via the device. I believe this because it's possible to lose internet connection, continue rolling and then suddenly find yourself backed up to a previous point where you had already rolled through and have to do it again when it reconnects.


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No random number generator is truely random when implementing a linear congruent algorithm. Its "pseudorandom" with a very long stride or repeatability. Refer to Knuth Numerical Computing. Now that being said there are processes in nature that people use as a truely random process. Radioactive decay for one, and quantum computing. A process is considered Markovian in that the next state (j+1) is only dependent on the current state (j). The Trandition matrix approach is part of a stochastic or random probability for the next state. It might not mean much difference for a single transition but over a million or so trials the error rate is unbiased as 1/sqrt (n-1). I would think if they put it all up on the cloud it eould be ok to roll n independent random numbers vs 1 rand num for the TM. Im only doing Blitz on linited basis now.
Transition Matrix approach is the worst because 10 armies vs 2 in a 3-dice vs 2 usually wins in successive independent events. Witb the TM, they weight the outcome by 2/10, which means 20% in a [0 1] indep. uniform random number multiplied by 2/3 will win 12% or 1/8 of the time. The move uses 1 random number and is conputationally cheaper for their server. Its a money thing for them. It would cost them more time (money) to represent Blitz accurately.

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And remove "true dice rolls" as "Implemented"....

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How about instead of giving out free premium accounts you guys use a solid algorithm? 

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"I want it to roll each one." - Briand / AGREED 100%!

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Geez. I don't have a PHD. I only have a bachelor's in aerospace. Statistics was only one class in engineering courses though. Anyway, nothing done by a computer is truly random. However, using a transition matrix is far worse from calculating each roll. Blitz before did tax the processing power of your device because ti calculated each roll in a Blitz and maybe that's why they did it but I don't want it randomly generating a result based on possibilities I want it to roll each one.


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Ive played about a thousand games and its only when SMG took over. They implemented a transition matrix approach to Blitz, and although computationally less costly, isnt true to the board game. I also have a PhD in engineering, specifically in "stochastic sequences". So the fact of the matter, the RNG may be good, but the Blitz algorithm that uses it isnt truely random.

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One million people playing someone is bound to have that happen to them and likely to come on here complaining.I have seen pretty close to this sometimes but I've also played thousands of games.


I have not been able to win ONE game since I started. put 8 hours into i think. Maybe that's just cuz I'm not good. but i reall just don't get it lol

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They don't care they just keep saying that the RNG wasn't fair even though everyone complains about their unfair dice
I don't understand the battling system. How does it work exactly. See what I'm seeing since the new update is that numbers don't matter anymore? What I mean is I had a stack of troops 47 strong and my opponent had 7 troops. Now how is it that they took me out only losing 1 of their troops? Also I have many of times had 23 or so troops and lose all but 1 troop going after a territory with only 2 troops. How are these number plausible because if I don't figure this out then I may give up on the entire app. It's frustrating. Can someone explain please.

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Yeah, this new dice system is far fetched...but it helps at the begining of the allows following players to have a chance after the first turn of the first player. But still, 23 to 7 ....just flatened me, so upset... Plus i went on a rediculius loosing streak due to this un realistic dice rolloing algorithm. "Sigh" ive bought every add (premium version and all maps) and i am a Grandmaster. Its hard keeping a true statistical record. Its stressful but i deal with it.

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I completely agree!!! The dice rolling is completely ruining it for me!! You usually either roll right through everyone without losing anyone, and then once in a while they make up for it by having you lose every time and everyone you attack, every time, until all your men are gone. Could have 15 to 1. THERE IS NO IN EVEN BETEEEN! Or back and forth. It's really bad.

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