Yes! It's a challenge scrolling through the games. It often resets me to the start before I've gone through the list of available matches
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Michel Lemieux
about 8 years ago
Oups! I've seem to have duplicated this request... Sorry, how did I miss it?
Team @ SMG
about 8 years ago
No problem, Michel, I've merged both tickets. You added some great details here.
Taylor Watson
about 8 years ago
This is a great idea!
One concern is the number of available games, though. Are there enough games available at any one time to be deadly specific?
(Classic Map, Max 4 Players, No Bots, Fixed, Manual; is what I like to play!)
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Steve Clements
about 8 years ago
Taylor, if you are going to be that specific, might as well start your own game. Yes the more parameters you select the harder it will be to find a match.
Taylor Watson
about 8 years ago
Then this begs the question, why would you want to search for a game in the first place when you can set one up yourself?
Michel Lemieux
about 8 years ago
Because then everybody would start their own games and not join others. I've seen this many times where there are 20+ games created and I start cycling through them to find "my match":
I find that many games are the same.
Takes time to cycle them all.
The list refresh itself (go back to the beginning) when a new game gets created or one fills up and starts. (Very frustrating to have to cycle through them again).
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Rickard Uddenberg
about 8 years ago
Some like to sort/filter on maps, some like to playtime 60/90/120 etc, some on the card progressive etc.
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Wm Craft
almost 8 years ago
This is a great idea. I like to filter by fixed armies and number of players and time between moves. Would also like to select level of players I'm going up against as well as maps. Yes, I could start my own game....
But back to the topic, scrolling through 20 plus games which are constantly coming and going can be time consuming and frustrating.
Vitus Hoffmann
almost 8 years ago
Level of oponents should be chosen by algorythm . Rest i totally agree.
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over 7 years ago
I would like to play against higher level opponents to help me advance in level instead of being forced into matches against novices and losing a ton of points. There have been times I've been unable to back out of a match before the person running it starts it.
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over 7 years ago
I like the idea of having the option to combine the filters with the "Automatch" feature. You could set your parameters, press the automatch button, then if there is game in queue with that specific criteria you will automatically join it. If there isn't a game, then it can automatically create a new game with those settings. The best of both worlds.
However, I still think that having the ability to filter the games in queue, separate from the "Automatch" button is worthwhile, just in case you are willing to compromise on certain parameters if it means starting a game sooner by joining one with a couple of players already waiting.
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over 7 years ago
I agree with Trevor, I would much prefer such an option for "Automatch".
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over 7 years ago
Absolutely needed and also for rank matching as well. It takes so much time and patience booting everything expert and below for me.
Team @ SMG
IDEA: filter the online matches according to the available parameters, for example, I always play auto setup, classic world map, and fixed card bonus.
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