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Secret Mission RISK

IDEA: This is Risk with a twist based on the 1993 Secret Mission rules.

Each player a specific mission short of complete world domination. Players do not reveal their missions to each other, and the first person to complete their mission wins. Missions are:

  1. Capture Europe, Australia and one other continent
  2. Capture Europe, South America and one other continent
  3. Capture North America and Africa
  4. Capture North America and Australia
  5. Capture Asia and South America
  6. Capture Asia and Africa
  7. Capture 24 territories
  8. Capture 18 territories and occupy each with two troops
  9. Destroy all armies of a specific color or—if one's own troops are that color—capture 24 territories (one mission for each color)

NB: if a player's mission is to destroy all armies of a particular color, and another player kills off the last armies of that color, their mission changes to capturing 24 territories.

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103 people like this idea

Yes! Please add missions soon!

Please implement mission Risk! Once available it would be easy to develop new missions. I would also love to see a Strategic Conquest version with the Major and Minor Objectives and rewards but that might be tricky to implement.

This would be awesome!

Team @ SMG : hope to read you soon about it... is this in development, or scheduled ?
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and... this feature will be introduce in version 2.5.0
Sorry, wouldn't add a seperate chat button but put it in the current (2 people) icon in the bottom left that currently opens all chat/alliance options****^

Please add this feature, my 6 friends and I have the original 1993 board game, we play it all the time whenever we're in person.. and it was one of the MOST FUN features to mix up the game. Once we discovered this digital version of RISK, which we play every Sunday together, we love it! But we REALLY miss this feature as O.G. RISK Players... it was so fun to have someone make weird moves and decisions all for the sake of winning the game by surprise.. It transformed the game from ordinary and predictable outcomes, to something much more exciting! So, please add this, and allow it as an option to toggle on/off! We would greatly appreciate it..

- thank you for reading!

Any news regarding the mission card topic ??


Secret Missions are a must have, that's the only mode I'm used to playing since childhood and surprised this wasn't included as one of the options. Really enjoying the app. When it comes to missions on the 90's copy I have it does not include Europe whatsoever. In another version I have Europe as: Europe with any 2 additional continents of your choosing. Personally I would remove it altogether as whoever gets that mission is having a much harder time than anyone else with the short straw. Perhaps you could include the choice of which version of secret mission risk to include? That way players have both options. 

and on the note of "if a player's mission is to destroy all armies of a particular color, and another player kills off the last armies of that color, their mission changes to capturing 24 territories." - This is probably best left as in the RISK game : "if player 1's mission is to destroy all armies of a particular color, and  player 2 kills off the last armies of that color, player 1 wins." I can see it being confusing with the proposed alternative ruling which presents a sudden change in your mission.

Please! Upvote!
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