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The community forum activity has really dropped off...

Just seems like there's only like one new post a week... thoughts?

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Chris, I am new to the forums this week, so I have just started reading some old threads. I had a long list of suggestions for game fixes and improvements. I found that most all of these topics had already been brought up months ago so I replied there instead of starting new threads. I would be interested to maybe setup a game time with a good group of experienced and tactical players for a regularly scheduled game. If we got the same 5-6 players together for a weekly game I think that could really be a great time and simulate the board game atmosphere I enjoyed as a kid, sitting around the table playing risk with people I know. Kind of like a weekly poker night with the guys. I usually play progressive card sets because I don’t regularly have the time for hour long games that fixed card values usually cause. It would be fun to have a longer game with skilled players every now and then. Could even have a chat room on discord or something else so there can be a little table banger going on. Just spit balling some ideas. Sorry for writing a novel

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It's my understanding that SMG is a small team, and I can sort of understand why some lingering issues remain - at least on their part. But I feel the responsibility ultimately lands on Hasbro; it's logical to assume that they have enough money to higher a larger software team to represent their product in a all its potential gory - but since they already have SMG then a better idea would be helping them expand their business to better suit the consumers needs.... maybe SMG should consider renegotiating their contract...?

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Those are some great points sectaone, but I am a bit confused about one thing; the automatic record inspection process. Would you care to elaborate what it is and how it would help? If SMG can't control cheaters, perhaps the ranking system should be discarded - I feel like that would discourage it...

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The rank filters are supposed to be “in progress” and they say they are working on automated anti-cheating tools. Those are the two most important things as far as I am concerned. As for forum activity there has been a lot more of it these last few days, though of course there would be more if more people played the game. Nevertheless, when a few people post that gets others to do the same after seeing notifications or topics they want to discuss. So it is like a landslide that starts with a few stones but quickly gathers strength. Chris Currie can take credit for being one of the first stones in the the latest round of posts and comments.

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Updates and SMG aside, I just would like to talk to other Risk fans about something other than cheaters; which lately seems to be the only topic with the steadiest stream of new comments... but you could be right Sectaone - maybe people are just waiting for topics to be posted. Perhaps Smg wouldn't mind sending out an occasional reminder to the players that there IS a forum... PSA: If you are interested in reviving the community forums, don't be shy about starting a new topic, or commenting on someone else's topic -new or old... personally, I check on it every day or two, even when I haven't played risk in a while - just to see what's going on

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*table BANTER, not banger Damn autocorrect

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I sent you a messenger
Anybody able to play a game today?
Reiner Agincourt 8
I sent a message maybe that’s not enough to get by your private account idk. I’ll set up a global domination game others feel free to join
I’m ready when you are. Did you send me a friend request on FB or messenger?
I’m in if we can play soon I have stuff to do later
Anyone up for a game this evening?
Ok shoot me a message here or on Messenger
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