I've been racking my brain on this. How are people able to create a game with their armies already in place, each having locked up Australia and South America AND not allow me to draft? How and why would a game allow members to set up the board for unsuspecting players like me to "auto match" into the game and not even have a chance to play? Thank god that I haven't given them any money yet! Obviously, I won't be in the future with this kind of tactics allowed.
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over 7 years ago
This game and the format cheat so much, it's not worth playing! I'm uninstalling this game now because of all the cheating! F*%$ this game!
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Christopher Balsamo
over 7 years ago
I am velvet hardstone. If fluctuate between expert and grandmaster because people fun for me when I'm a master or grand master. If u ever play with me realize that I play honestly and I honor alliances. I try to ONLY break alliances to eliminate a player.
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over 7 years ago
Cheating experienced with Jordan Mac 3 as well. Colonel the Shadow 5 is involved as well as Sandy Kicks 5. Colonel the Shadow 5 is grandmaster and the other two made moves to clearly set him up for another win. I was playing as expert level at the time. Jordan mac 3 had an easy chance to take me out as I had spent the time atttacking Colonel. He did not, even though he had overwhelming armies to do so and gain my two cards. Then Jordan Mac 3 passed as well. Colonel the Shadow then took me out. Such weak play. Playing against the computer is more satisfying.
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David brown
about 7 years ago
Just encountered my first obvious cheats
Forgot to take names but they were both grandmasters
I believe 1 was called lake 41
Left borders with each other unguarded from the start
Never attacked each other all game
Clearly the same player controlling both
First 2 players entered on a Monday afternoon and both grandmaster
Never stood a chance
Everyone post screenshot if you see this happening
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Johan F den Boer
about 7 years ago
So many grandmasters are cheaters. Most of the time 2 grandmasters and 1 intermediate by the same player. Frustrating. Should be easy to check the playing-history of all the grandmasters and kick the cheaters out.
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Todd parsons
about 7 years ago
Cheating definite!!!!!
FreeGrasshoppers26500 is a grandmaster because he has cheat codes and is getting 200 armies every turn from the onset of the game. Not good for the score of the rest of the players that are trying to move up in rank.
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Susan Smith
over 6 years ago
Hi, my name is Susie and I have played Risk for a long time. I often check these blogs to see the names of cheaters. I personally write down the names that I come across to be obvious cheaters. I see a few things in this line of comments made by people, to which, I would like to comment on. First of all, Tyler, you are out of line with your post. I have played against Abraham Deadeye 10 and I am confident that he or she uses two devices in order to win. I appreciate people that post names of players who cheat. So Tyler, you need to stop with your comments you made to Bryans307. They were out of line. Also, my brother and father were and are US Marine veterans so I understand what he was referring to about his integrity. Also, who are you to disrespect a service member that fought for their country. Thank you Bryans307 for your service. So you calling him an "a-hole" was completely disrespectful and wrong. In addition, he apologized for handling it wrongly, so stop ganging up on Bryans307 just to feel a part of the crowd, so to speak. I may not know him, but after reading his posts, I don't think he is a bad guy and I don't think he was using his Military as a means to have a free pass to be aggressive. Just to explain he was not telling lies. So stop being so harassing to people. I really hope you are not Abraham! Everyone has a right to their opinions and feelings. They should not be put down or ganged up on. Bryans307, don't post any negative comments to Tyler or anyone else. It's not worth it. You are a great person, in my eyes and heart for your service. Thank you.
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over 6 years ago
Hi phillip@SMG. At no time did I use foul language. I understand and agree with you about not using any foul or profane language against anyone else. Also, my comments were NOT hostile to that player. After reading his comments about me where he called me names, I simply told him what I thought of him. I still feel that way and I think it is wrong for you to single me out in this forum when he said to me “stop Your crying” and “grow up” or “don’t play”. I felt disrespected by his comments and was offended. He also accused me of being dishonest and that is a big problem for a US Marine veteran that holds his integrity very high. Also, I have put through a formal complaint through SMG against this player but still have not heard any response back. Although I probably agree that I could of handled his comments made to me, I don’t feel I was hostile, threatening,or used any foul language. I will follow your comments and will watch any future comments I make in this forum. This still does not negate the fact that he is a cheater and used this forum to make disrespectful comments to me for outing him to make others aware. I apologize for saying some of the comments I said about him being pathetic and things like that. I should of handled that better and I assure you I won’t stoop down to that level again, even if I’m being atagonized by someone like him. Thank you for your time. Respectfully Submitted.
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over 6 years ago
First of all, Abraham Deadeye, You can lie on here all you like. There was no alliance, and it was just you playing two player profiles. I did a lot of digging on social media to confirm my suspicions. So stop trying to use this platform to lie to others. It’s funny how they other profile you used was deleted after I figured you out. You are a pathetic loser that has to play two profiles in order to win and make yourself feel good! Sorry excuse of a human! I have proudly served my country (USA) as a Marine in combat, and so your little insults don’t bother me at all. You are just mad that I found you out. It was no alliance buddy and you got caught being a pathetic, weasel and a sorry excuse of a person that has to try and make himself feel better by CHEATING, ABRAHAM DEADEYE.
** Note: Stop all your correspondence to this, or there will be consequences.
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Dušan Mitić
over 5 years ago
Players Rocco Waldeux 16 and Salvadore Bonaparte 17 are cheaters. When they took me out after constantly attacking me the whole game, and letting each other deffend and take continents with just one army, and when there were just the two of them left, one only fortified aldo he had plenty of armies to attack, and the other one just took him out.
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almost 7 years ago
Cheaters typically host own game. If you always host your own you are much less likely to run into them. That is probably the reason you haven’t seen it yet.
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David brown
almost 7 years ago
It's rife
I don't play any grandmaster now as the game is always spoiled by the grandmaster operating 2 armies
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Todd parsons
about 7 years ago
Now I realize that cheating is widespread. I always wondered how people were getting so many card turn Ins turn after turn after turn. While your at it you should fix the fact that if you do nothing during your turn the game gives you a card for free. Ridiculous.
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Joanne cooper
about 7 years ago
Hurley la Roche 4 and hutchdown 8. Grandmaster and expert. Clearly the same player. Very sad.
Christopher Balsamo
Obvious cheating occurring between Jordan Mac 3 and either 1 or both of these screen names- Vaughn Mcpunch 4, Vance the Poet 3.
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