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Obvious cheating occurring between Jordan Mac 3 and either 1 or both of these screen names- Vaughn Mcpunch 4, Vance the Poet 3.

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Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.......... Ok yesterday I was a player managed to leave 1 troop instead of three in a new space as he went to attack in another direction. TOTAL HACK. Seen it a while back too where opponent steals your troops wierd. ...............HA HA HA Wussies...

Loconicguy - long time cheater who've I reported in the past.  Sits there and flashes laughing emojis while his fake account eliminates you.  

Wyatt Baptiste5 and Andrew Domin are the same person.  They played an entire two hour game to see who would be better positioned to win.  Finally Wyatt used all 200 of his troops to eliminate me in one move, so that Andrew would win.  

Such pathetic pieces of crap. 

Players Rocco Waldeux 16 and Salvadore Bonaparte 17 are cheaters. When they took me out after constantly attacking me the whole game, and letting each other deffend and take continents with just one army, and when there were just the two of them left, one only fortified aldo he had plenty of armies to attack, and the other one just took him out.

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I guess the forum is for picking fights. Lets keep in in game. When My Kid and I Wipes U Out. Alliance means working together. You need a friend.

I have also found widespread cheating in the form of gangs of players with similar screen names blatantly working together to "win". I've opened a new discussion complete with 13 screenshots proving that this gang cheating has reached epic proportions. Please view my post! TY


You wrote: "My Son plays with me as my Ally." . and it seems to me you are a cheater who is trying avoid the blame in advance ...

I have played a Lot here and have seen plenty of 'wrong stuff' going on.  I have not kept records/names of the incidents.    Wish there was a way to get rid of anyone who cheats and ban them forever.  (know nothing about hacking, what it would take to fix this low-life activity) 
Thanks for the team's work behind the scenes to keep things running and to all ethical/'true Risk players!

Oh Risk !
OMG someone actually out there......Cool. nice feedback. Play Hard Take no Prisoners .
If you took time to read the fair play guidance you would realise that what you are advocating is not classed as fair play. You are correct when you state that if people want s fair game then to only allow one other player. I always create a game with one other human opponent and 2 x "Expert" computer opponents. That's why I doubt we will ever meet over the board but it does ensure I get to maintain my GM status without being cheated out of it.
The totalitarians appear to have accepted your latest post. And you're concerned that others are complaining?! 樂
And parent of the year award goes to......
SMG studios are AWESOME !!!!! SMG FOR LIFE SMG Superb Matched Gaming SMG Super Model Gold SMG TAKE THE TOUR SMG Later .......,
ok I read your all's posts. OMG BUNCH OF BABIES. could it Be ???? My Son plays with me as my Ally. When we play we play to beat you, BEAT YOU not each other. then one of us let's other one win so we can go on to SMASHING YOU AGAIN... AND AGAIN....AND SMASHING YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS MAKING YOU LOOSERS SUICIDAL... YUP. ok my little boy is learning to Kick Ass and make YOU ALL lick it up. your wounds that is. So have a kid teach em to play and come back for the Fight....... My little one has you all CRYING HA
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