Hi, my name is Susie and I have played Risk for a long time. I often check these blogs to see the names of cheaters. I personally write down the names that I come across to be obvious cheaters. I see a few things in this line of comments made by people, to which, I would like to comment on. First of all, Tyler, you are out of line with your post. I have played against Abraham Deadeye 10 and I am confident that he or she uses two devices in order to win. I appreciate people that post names of players who cheat. So Tyler, you need to stop with your comments you made to Bryans307. They were out of line. Also, my brother and father were and are US Marine veterans so I understand what he was referring to about his integrity. Also, who are you to disrespect a service member that fought for their country. Thank you Bryans307 for your service. So you calling him an "a-hole" was completely disrespectful and wrong. In addition, he apologized for handling it wrongly, so stop ganging up on Bryans307 just to feel a part of the crowd, so to speak. I may not know him, but after reading his posts, I don't think he is a bad guy and I don't think he was using his Military as a means to have a free pass to be aggressive. Just to explain he was not telling lies. So stop being so harassing to people. I really hope you are not Abraham! Everyone has a right to their opinions and feelings. They should not be put down or ganged up on. Bryans307, don't post any negative comments to Tyler or anyone else. It's not worth it. You are a great person, in my eyes and heart for your service. Thank you.
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Susan Smith
about 7 years ago
Has anyone come across Abed Haidar and LunaticJackalope91 ? I believe they are cheaters to watch out for and is only one person, playing two devices. I just wanted to know if anyone else can confirm this. Thank you very much.
Big Bad Wolfe
about 7 years ago
LOL. Reading comprehension must not be your thing Bryan. You keep bringing up “foul language”, but Phillip and SMG never said anything about foul language. He warned you to stop being hostile and saying things like “you are a pathetic loser”, and “sorry excuse for a human”. And also, I didn’t use any “foul language” you simpleton. Then you claim you were called a liar, which is why you brought up the military, but NO ONE CALLED YOU A LIAR. Once again, reading comprehension isn’t your thing I guess. You brought up the USMC for no other reason but to defend your very hostile and aggressive posts. That isn’t displaying honor and integrity from my point of view. I’m not deadeye, I’m just a guy that saw someone go waaaay overboard and called them on it. And next time you want to pull out your MENSA card and insult someone else’s intelligence, do better. You said “Sorry if I used to big of words for you to understand that in my past messages.“. Let me help you out with word choice, as it seems you lack any formal education beyond highschool. You meant to say “Sorry if I used TOO big or words for you to understand”. Not only do you not know the correct words to use, your sentence syntax is on a 6th grade level. Claiming someone can’t understand your impressive vocabulary, while simulataneously not knowing the proper words to use in an insult is comically ironic. Thanks for the laugh. PS: I’m prescribed, so Xanex isn’t illegal for me. You really do need to find a way to relax man. Life isn’t that serious. Take a deep breath, realize you are playing a board game as a form of escapism to relax from your normal life, then realize you are calling people pathetic excuses of humans over a board game... does that sound rationale or healthy to you? Seriously man, therapy is a good thing for a lot of people.
about 7 years ago
Tyler, you talk about me being a simpleton and not having anything but a high school education. You need to look at yourself. How many times do you need to be told, in order for you to understand that I apologized for those comments I made about Abraham. You really must have rode the little yellow school bus while in school because you can’t seem to understand that. You are using this platform to act like a big shot because I have no doubt you truly have nothing else to do and that’s what a Troll does. You are going around to attack me with your b.s. because that’s what a Troll does. You admit that you are on Xanax. Well I think you need a few other medications to go with that. Basically Tyler, you need to get a life outside of your parents basement. Haaa haaa. Your post on here is truly a joke and stop trying to correct my grammar when you should look at your own. By the way I have a Bachelor and Masters degree. But I don’t need to explain myself to you. Stop sending me your posts. I’m done with your nonsense and I just laugh at your posts. By the way, I know you have trouble reading, but SMG also warned everyone, not just me. Go find another person to Troll! I just laugh at you! You mean nothing to me, nor do your insignificant posts.
about 7 years ago
By the way Tyler, calling someone an “a-hole” is foul language, simpleton!
David brown
about 7 years ago
Time to stop now everyone
A little advice
Dont play in a game with 2 grand masters or a grand master and a master
Sorry to anyone who is a genuine grand master but in my experience most gms appear to have 2 accounts
Nathan Jacobson
about 7 years ago
You need to stop being a jackass Tyler. What exactly are you trying to accomplish by your insulting posts, other than show everyone how much of a jerk you are. Stop trying to bait Bryans307 into a continual argument with you. Tyler, Bryans307 was called a liar indirectly by Abraham, after his initial post and many of us understand why he got so upset from cheaters. It sure seems like you are defending Abraham quite a lot that it wouldn't surprise me if that was you. So again Tyler, stop being a jackass and attacking everything about Bryans307 just because he posted a cheater and was upset at him for doing it. These forums are NOT for you to talk carp to other players. It's meant to list other cheaters so enough of your posts Tyler. Leave him alone and stop trying to bait him into a senseless argument with you. Find something more constructive to do with your time because you are now making yourself look like a fool.
Susan Smith
about 7 years ago
Tyler, you can't stop being a jerk. Bryans307, like I said before, just ignore him and don't give him the satisfaction. It's apparent that Tyler has nothing better to do. We are all tired of seeing your insults and ignorance on here. Tyler obviously can't see that many people on here are sick of his crap and negative attitude. That's not what this is for so quit using this post to put down people because you think you have a right to determine who is right and wrong. Bryans307 has a right to say what he wants. You have gone Waaay too far, Tyler. I also think you are a little slow because you can't seem to understand that Bryans307 already apopoligized and said he was wrong before you started your attacks on him. Tyler, you do need to get a life!
about 7 years ago
Thank you all for your support and understanding. I really didn’t want or expect my initial post to go that far. I truly think that Tyler is actually Abraham because he showed up out of nowhere to begin his hostile attack on me. Anyways, I’m done with him. I will continue to laugh at any future posts from Tyler. Thanks again for all your support! Susie, please send my appreciation and adoration to your father and brother for their service to our country. That’s something obviously Tyler has never nor will ever experience. Regardless, send them a “ Semper Fi “ from me.
about 7 years ago
Kingbrent85, who is a “grandmaster,” is a cheater using two accounts. His other account is Rube The Loyal 8. After all other players except those two and me were eliminated, Kingbrent85 (the red player) captured Asia but left it completely undefended on the border with Rube (the blue player). Despite having a significant advantage in armies, blue did not attack, instead attacking only me. However, although he could have eliminated me, blue suddenly stopped in order to allow Red to get the cards. For the remainer of the game, blue simply did nothing, intentionally allowing red to catch up and then go ahead in armies, and then ultimately to win. It was an obvious two account situation. I am attaching four screen shots showing Blue’s numerical advantage and Red’s exposed borders, but Blue just laid down.
Spencer johns
over 6 years ago
If you want to double your troops wait untill the very end of each turn with your territory targeting theirs and press the roll button right before your turn is over then you will have double troops I hope you can all create mayhem in the games you play useing this easy trick
Larry Graham
over 6 years ago
57Cliff57 (grandmaster) used the 'bonus' army trick on me. There was also a Master that went right before him but was a computer AI because he didn't actually start the game it only attacked twice in maybe 15 turns! This makes it discouraging that the 'alledged' best are not worth playing against!
about 6 years ago
Could it Be that when you and a family member play against other cry babies that they must understand that an alliance is an alliance 藍 and it's not cheating when two friends or Family members are beating you like a helpless piss Ant. um I mean peasant. No I meant piss Ant. Ha quit being crybabies. My first year on the game made me feel bad too. But Rotate your guest apponent so two teammate's can't join the same game and whip you like a broken down hood rat.
Really How can it be cheating when they are Allies and refuse to dishonor thier teammate. I usually get attack requests before my first turn. Then every turn after. Attack them NOT ME !!! cry cry cry ha.
So watch out your not in this alone, We're all in this TOGETHER HA HA HA HA HUM. STAY COOL WORLD or get a job.
about 6 years ago
I spent some time writing to you the public to find out that my message has to b approved. ??????
SMG is not a freedom of speech type business but a communistic totalitarian type place who took away our alliance request options and controls our ROLLING, OUR FRIENDS YEAH ME AND MY BOY WERE LOCKED OUT OF PLAYING TOGETHER. SOME CRYBABIES MUST HAVE TATTLED THAT WE WERE ...............GET THIS............ ALLIES...,..., WHAT ....,.. ALLIES ????? MUST BE CHEATING IF WE ARE ALLIES ¿ GROW UP BABIES ALLIANCES ARE ALLOWED SO BUCK UP EVERYONE... THANKS
about 6 years ago
ok I read your all's posts. OMG BUNCH OF BABIES. could it Be ????
My Son plays with me as my Ally. When we play we play to beat you, BEAT YOU not each other. then one of us let's other one win so we can go on to SMASHING YOU AGAIN... AND AGAIN....AND SMASHING YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS MAKING YOU LOOSERS SUICIDAL... YUP. ok my little boy is learning to Kick Ass and make YOU ALL lick it up. your wounds that is. So have a kid teach em to play and come back for the Fight....... My little one has you all CRYING HA
Christopher Balsamo
Obvious cheating occurring between Jordan Mac 3 and either 1 or both of these screen names- Vaughn Mcpunch 4, Vance the Poet 3.
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