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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

You are really bored. I believe that you are finding 2000 cheaters in your 750 games. When you report cheating, you do a useful thing. I also report for if. Please stop writing nonsense. I don't protect cheaters. I tell you last time. Next time I'll go down to your level and start insulting you as you insult me.
I want to report green player, Kahlid_alqahtani. I believe he was also playing as #omaar_390. I have attached pics to support this. If you could review gameplay you will see the cheating. Thanks you.

This thread has 29 pages over 3 years lol.

But I'm the only one huh?  How do you explain that?  Holy cognitive dissonance Batman!

Talk some more about "Hitler" and "fascism".  That wasn't ridiculous at all.

And you're going to "start" insulting me?  I guess comparing me to "Hitler" was meant to be flattering?  You are beyond ridiculous.

It's so exhausting listing to weaker player always wanting to report someone.

- Transparency: Mater/Grandmater: "Tommy Buzz", almost 4000 Games played as you criticize my comment.

Why not push for an actual solution, like a Game Finder, you set your desired game setting and join a queue, other randomly join and game starts. Always random people!

Then and most importantly REMOVE your ability to report someone cause your ONLY guessing then!

Then you all can start enjoying your game again.. 

Green player "turtles" in this game has figured out a cheat code that gives him 500 troops at any time when placing new troops.
June 25th update info on the game said we can flag cheaters now using the player tray? I still dont see any option to report the cheaters? Please help me understand how to report cheaters! Thanks

Maybe it's a language barrier problem but what you said makes zero sense.

Banning someone is not "fascism".  That's absurd.  If someone breaks the rules they deal with the consequences.

And that's right that a cheater can just make another account but if they keep getting banned sooner or later they're going to quit playing or quit cheating, one or the other.  Take away the incentive to cheat (easy way to get high ranking) and people will stop cheating.

SMG has people whose job it is to go over cheating allegations.  They have ways to check to see if someone is using more than one account or if they are having a friend control an account to give them an advantage.

Really dude, why you'd be against stopping people from cheating is beyond me.  Cheating is rampant in SMG, I've had it happen to me at least twice in the last 3 days I played and that's after I created my own games.  Before I started creating my own games it was much much much worse.

Players shouldn't have to go through all the trouble of filing reports constantly to curb cheating.  Just ban cheaters on their first offense.

 Just reading your old posts 537 how come your English was fine in your first posts and now it's become broken gibberish?

Did you forget which poster you're supposed to be? 

Before you run with this..

A politer version, any suggestions how to fix it?

Reporting 24/7 is working about as well as the war on drugs.

Cela arrive souvent qu'en mode Domination mondial, certains joueurs au niveau novice ou débutant ont presque 4 à 8 fois plus de soldats par combinaison au début de la partie sans conquérir de territoire!  Même si je fortifie au maximum mes frontières, ils partent à l'opposé de la carte et d'un coup, ils ont traversé la map au complet avec plus de soldats que normal en début de partie! 

J'adore ce jeu mais ce genre de tricheurs me font regretter l'original sur table avec de vrais joueurs!

Maybe it's a language barrier problem but what you said makes zero sense.

Banning someone is not "fascism".  That's absurd.  If someone breaks the rules they deal with the consequences.

And that's right that a cheater can just make another account but if they keep getting banned sooner or later they're going to quit playing or quit cheating, one or the other.  Take away the incentive to cheat (easy way to get high ranking) and people will stop cheating.

SMG has people whose job it is to go over cheating allegations.  They have ways to check to see if someone is using more than one account or if they are having a friend control an account to give them an advantage.

Really dude, why you'd be against stopping people from cheating is beyond me.  Cheating is rampant in SMG, I've had it happen to me at least twice in the last 3 days I played and that's after I created my own games.  Before I started creating my own games it was much much much worse.

Players shouldn't have to go through all the trouble of filing reports constantly to curb cheating.  Just ban cheaters on their first offense.

How do you report cheaters?

Yesterday I met these 2; they either fall in love at first sight, or they are cheaters, because they played as one player.


Go to play store and get new version. Super easy to report these guys now. Right where you block someone from communicating with you during the game (back side of player card) you click on report.

Jason just likes to whine! Never EVER stops! (Don't think I've heard one suggestion from Jason, only complaining how he loses.)

I would like a Game Finder to virtually eliminate cheating as you would enter a random game each time. 

- Everyone seems to only want to whine about cheating, get ZERO votes to a game finder idea.

Oetzi, I've asked, dared Jason to play me. Him, Me, and four export computers, I only asked to pick map (classic) and 60 seconds timer. He claims I'll cheat, whatever.. He wont even share his player name, I shared my player name opening on the forums when he was trying to chastise me without ANY proof. I even posted me going from novice/beginner all the way to Master, posted the entire progress and found ZERO cheaters in any of the games I played. Did it publicly on these forums.

I don't see any real cheating, and only some players playing together, but to me that is only a challenge and no reason to stop playing.

I think Jason suffers from that "I suk, so you must be cheating" hack!

Wishing for game finder, hoping for single & co-op tournaments as well. Love the opportunity to prove my rank! 

How did you go from speaking perfect English to speaking broken English in just a few days?

"Koray Selduman, I'm sure such a button would bring a lot of problems. Imagine playing and someone thinks you're cheating and pushes a button for you. You certainly wouldn't feel comfortable. I can write you what I do. When I’m SURE, I constantly attack one cheater. Others struggle and try to help him. That way you can help a player who plays fair and have fun. And be sure to report both. Many cheaters I have reported are banned. Because they were reported by more players. I don’t believe there’s a perfect way to ban, but I see smg doing that part of the job great. I'm sorry because I'm answering you late, but I can't get into an argument with a man who sees ghosts everywhere and who drove away all participants in this topic by insulting them."

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