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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

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First Game in over Two weeks ruined by multi account cheaters again. What a suprise. Just raised the following Ticket:

Two account cheater:

Gabe Rougarou 10 (Red) - Expert Level
wies2 (Orange) - Master Level (Eventual winner)

Red set about focusing attacks on one player after the other, making no attempt to hold territories or continents. While the orange player held australia and built up a sizable force. 5 Player game, first green player was knocked out. Then blue became so dimished I think he just quit playing (I eventually finished him off myself to grab his cards).

I must admit, at first I took advantage of the situation. I was suprised red didn't attempt to attack me at all allowing me to gain Africa and South America. But then they both started ganging up on me and I realised they were working together, and had been ganging up on green and blue before me.

Once I was wiped out Red made a single token attach against orange. But by that point orange was holding nearly all the continents anyway, while red was very weak. Orange conquered the rest of the board in about 2 more turns.

You may say that they were just two seperate players working as allies. But no one leaves themselves as undefended as red did and makes no attempt at all to take a continent.

Screen shots:

1 and 2 - The 5 Players
3 - When I realised Red was playing eratically after ignoring me and abandoning a strong force in Europe to charge into North America.
4 - The only time Red attached orange, after orange had wiped me out


How do I report these cheaters! I went from a master to intermediate all because of hackers reversing games. Lost connection then the player receives all my troops when I cash in.
Cheater 1: Pointer Sophie, Grossmeister
Cheater 2: sbhur, Meister [Screenshot 1]
They play together from the beginning, not attacking each other.
But the final evindence is clearly given in the end, wenn there are only these two players remaining, then sbhur don't attack Pointer Sophie at all (although sbhur has 76 units to attack!!!), but waiting not doing anything, untill Pointer Sophie wins! [s. Screenshot2 & Screenshot3]
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I have found the BEST way to deal with cheaters. Control the game, set it up for four players only make two of those players computer expert.Then I select only one opponent who is not a novice or beginner. This is the only way you can ensure against cheating unless there is hacking going on.It ends up being virtually a head-to-head battle so at least it’s fair

Another cheater with 2 accounts. William Kanako 4 is a principal account and his fake account is Enrico The Posh 4

More cheaters: More cheaters. Hectorles26 is a two device cheater. His dummy account is Niraya26. Throughout the game, they left the border between them between North and South America completely undefended, never attacking each other anywhere. While it seemed at first it might just be an alliance, it became clear at the end that it was a two device cheater. In the first picture attached, only the cheaters two accounts and I are remaining in the game. The dummy account (green) continues the strategy of attacking only me, but then stops and leaves my one territory so Red can get the cards on the next turn. In the next picture, Red has taken me out, but as you can see leaves himself completely undefended from Green, because in reality Red and Green are one player. As you can see, Green at this point has a significant advantage and is in a position to launch a devestating attack on Red. Instead, predictably, green never attacks again, allowing the “Master”to win. See the next two slides with Green having not moved. Ticket submitted. Everyone needs to keep submitting tickets on these cheaters until SMG can devise a way to prevent cheating.
I prefer elo over simple win percentages. Also the rankings are absolutely necessary in my opinion. They let players have a sense of how good they are, how far they’ve come, and how much better they could be. I’d prefer if I could see my actual rating (as in chess) and not just my place relative to others but the classes are at least a big picture view of that.
I think the point of posting on a public forum is to warn fellow players about cheaters to avoid. I find it helpful and have avoid players because of the posts on these forums. I still don’t see the benefit of ranks. There isn’t one honestly. I’d rather know how many games a player has played an win %. That would give me a better understanding of the quality of a player. I too find that games with multiple masters or grandmasters are often just cheaters playing with two accounts.

For reference, this is why we prefer not to give out information on the results of cheating reports. People tend to be unhappy if action isn't taken.

Guy, it is probably best not to post on the public forum information that could help cheaters not get caught.

- Phillip@SMG

Disappointingly, SMG declined to take any action against this cheater. The explanation was that “they” don’t do it “consistently.” So, it appears that just cheating once in a while is OK. Ugh.
Another one today: “Expert” Alfonso Nelson 2 is a two account cheater. His dummy account is Dana Chief 5. In the game in question, they were Purple and Yellow. Early in the game, Yellow defended the entrance to Australia while purple took control or it. Later, the cheating became more obvious. In the first attached screenshot you see Yellow positioned to prevent the Orange (a bot by this time) from spreading into Purple’s area. Yellow does not attack Australia, which Purple has left undefended. In the next picture, Yellow is again in a position to devastate Purple but does not, and Purple is proceeding with the obvious knowledge that Yellow is not a threat. In the next screenshot, all pretense is gone. Purple now has Asia and Yellow is actually helping to defend the border, rather than attacking easily. Finally, in the last picture, all other players are now eliminated. Predictably, at this point Yellow simply stops playing, despite having sufficient armies to attack. Yellow never attacked again and simply allowed Purple to win. I hate these people who use two devices to cheat. There has to be a way to stop this. Ticket submitted.
Awesome news. Thank you SMG and to you Guy for submitting the ticket! Hopefully, the player will think twice before cheating again!
I have been advised by SMG that in response to my ticket, they have reset the ranks of Dior Monk 2 and his dummy account Luigi Centurion 11. So, everyone please submit tickets on obvious cheats. Action is taken.
Hi Guy. I played against these two a short while ago and I 100% agree with you that person has 2 devices and is a cheater. A similar situation happened to me where it was obvious both of profiles working together to kill everyone else and one was feeding cards to the other. So I hope SMG will remove them from this game. It’s really no fun when there are so many cheaters! Glad you put a ticket in.
“master” Dior Monk 2 is a two account cheater with the other account under the name Luigi Centurion 11. The first attached screen shot shows them in the game together as Red and Green. Green repeatedly did not exploit its advantage to attack a vulnerable Red. Screen Shot number 2 shows Green in a strong position, but he did not attack Red in Defenseless South America. Screenshot 3 shows the status is the game immediately after I was eliminated by their joint effort. As you can see, Green is in the overwhelmingly dominant position. However, I stayed around in observation mode, and, predictably, Green then immediately stopped attacking and simply allowed Red to to win (undoubtedly controlled by one person). This is demonstrated by the remaining two screenshots. I have submitted a ticket. Second cheater nabbed today. Cheating has become rampant and is ruining the game.
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