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Cheating vs Exploit

You should be careful accusing someone of cheating.

 -Two players ganging up on you is NOT CHEATING!

- One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!

- BOTS tough one, but still saying the BOT has no actual cheats but just another account to try and give the player an edge. Not much dif. then having a second account. Still saying this is NOT CHEATING!

I calls these exploiting a games feature, and impossible to stop.

I have hundreds of games logged in Risk, and have not seen one person actual cheat, as in roll sixes every roll, control the game so no one can move but only them, GOD mode where you can't hurt them, etc. NOT ONCE!

I do see many players trying to get an advantage with a second account, but honestly most of them suck and need two accounts.

I see many posts about cheating, but I challenge any of you, prove they actual have cheats vs just playing a second player who also is not cheating rather then playing dirty.

1 person has this question

"Absolutely nothing I could do about it."

Click the report button on each one, select collaboration and type in the name of one of the accounts he's collaborating with. Accounts get deleted in some time. You win.

One person playing 2 accounts IS CHEATING!setting up accounts and replacing with bots IS CHEATING.If you consider yourself any good and have played the boars game you know what is cheating.if you cant win properly or quit as soon as you dont take australia than you arw a worse player than i was ay 6

Well said Gussie!

To try and wrap this up, I will be posting feature add for co-op mode.

I'd hope with all the posters shouting cheat, that you would vote yes on co-op mode or expect these players to be playing in your next game :)

BTW, if  any of you come across a real cheat, still like to hear about them, to get them fixed of course.

FU like I said sometimes it's hard to tell if it's cheating or if a player is just that bad.

I lost a game just now where it was red, green and me left.   I had 4 cards and could turn in the next turn, green tried to finish me off but couldn't.  He had a massive troop advantage.  It was red's turn after green and red could only get to me from SA to Africa, I was way down on the island in Africa with only 5 guys lol.

Green (unless it was one guy using multiple accounts) should have blocked the entrance to Africa from red, red only had one card and wouldn't have been able to fight through to get to me.

But green FORTIFIED Europe.  As if that's going to do him any good after red gets all my cards.

I didn't stick around to watch to see if it was one guy using multiple accounts, I think green just sucked.

In that same game orange took out a bunch of my guys even though he couldn't eliminate me.  All it did was weaken us both and allowed him to be taken out (by me) a turn later.  Again, not sure if he was just terrible at Risk or if he was someone else's account.

That's the problem with progressive card games though, skill is a very small part of it.  It basically comes down to who gets to turn in cards at the right time.


Also the way it ranks is skewed ...sometime it calls me a beginner and sometimes novice.ive been playing this version for about 6 months..and have not seen anyone more advanced than myself.the vast maj. Are no good even if they are called an "expert".i can win 6 out of 7 and my rank does not change
If you have to win playing two or more accounts you are an amateur CHEAT.consider this....o look my red and my blue have half of aus and half of sa.ill make so red locks up both and take out blue for the cards...mot before i comikazee my way into yellows boarders CHEATER. only somebody younger than 30 would think otherwise

I just played a game where I had no chance.  There was one of the other three players who did NOTHING in the game but attack me   All of this was unprovoked.   He turtled all his troops and would then spend each term simply doing manual attacks to reduce my troop count.  He never attacked the stronger players who were the more obvious threats.

This was clear and obvious collusion, and a complete waste of my time.  Anyone who thinks this is okay is an equally large piece of shit.

I reported it.  I clicked on the report for cheating button and sent in a ticket with all the info and screen shots.

Yeah, I played a game yesterday where a Master had at least 2 accounts.  He used his Master account to sit back and collect cards while he used another account to attack and weaken other players.  All I could do was flash the blank face every time his 2nd account attacked someone else instead of him and he just flashed the smiley face at me.

That's the most infuriating thing, there's nothing you can do when these guys cheat.  All you can do is sit there and take it or quit.

He pretended his 2nd account was a separate player until the first couple of players were eliminated then he started attacking to get cards by using his Master account which had just sat back until this point and his 2nd account in coordinated attacks.

Nothing you can do in that situation. 

Like I keep saying I don't get why anyone cares enough about Risk to cheat like that.  What kind of loser needs two accounts to win at Risk?

I've seen players add 999 troops on the first round. I think only twice. The first time it happened, I was able to maneuver well enough so that the computer in the game killed the 3rd player, so I came in 2nd. I was still pretty upset about the HACKING of the game.

Using multiple accounts is flat out cheating. I get what you're trying to say with cheat vs exploit but it's still cheating. An exploit is doing the alliance/break thing constantly. Which I find hilarious as it doesn't slow me down at all so I just hit the accept button over and over and tongue out at them right when they die. But not everyone is using a tablet or PC so they should ignore the person if they can't be cool like me lol.

So you have hackers, cheaters, and exploiters. I don't care about exploiters.

Yes there is something you can and SHOULD do. Go to their profile and press the "report" button and then select collusion and enter the name of the players that player is colluding with. It takes some time but SMG will look at the account, see they've played multiple games together / have same IP addresses and delete the accounts. Said cheater will probably lose interest in playing anymore or come back and try to be more sneaky about it. But he'll get caught eventually.

I actively report anyone I suspect of cheating. And take great joy when I win a game where 2-3 players were in fact cheating. The one problem with the cheaters is they want to make sure that all of their accounts survive accounts they don't control. and sometimes that gives you the win from such ignorance :)

Have no idea what point your trying to make with a random example that doesn't exist in the board-game Risk.

This game used to be all about playing with friends, in fact it was the only way you could play! Now it's no friends allowed, and if you don't win then it must be from all the other's cheating!

I say No Friends Allowed, as in somewhere out of THIN AIR, you and most everyone else figured out how to prove someone's intent. Two friends playing a game have to be cheaters by your definition, like ZERO chance their not cheating.

My friends, assume I'm not cheating, and would be happy I joined their game. If it was only an option in NEW RISK to offer co-op play mode. Where friends are allowed to play a game together again.

Too much whining about cheaters, I think the whiners mostly just suck! Of course, I can't defend that anymore then you can defend your claims.

Hey everyone, we received some feedback that this thread was getting off topic, so we thought we would clear up any confusion that may be happening.

Cheating is defined in the Fair Play rules as:

  1. Hacking the game, in any way, is cheating.

  2. Using multiple accounts in the same game to gain an advantage is cheating.

  3. Playing with someone you know and working together to gain advantage is cheating.  

If you wish to play with people you know please use the Play with Friends mode. If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally. 

A link to the fair play rules is found here:

If anyone would like to report players in breach of the above rules, please report players in game. 

This thread will now be closed to further posts.

See you on the battlefield!

-SMG Support Team

Regarding Matt L's comments: You're trying to argue that because the game allows you to play with multiple accounts (within the physical rules of the game) that it is not cheating to do so. It is still cheating. The problem is it's impossible to block someone from doing this. They could restrict IPs but someone can use a VPN or a cellular network for one and wifi for another. So I do not accept that it's really an "exploit" at all. Unless you want to argue that on the board game, which does not physically prevent you from playing multiple players in the game and then using them to eliminate the other guy is not cheating but is an exploit? The only problem there is the other guy can see what you're doing and simply choose not to play. So I guess it's not so much cheating. But in the case of online, you're hiding the fact that you have control of the many accounts. So yeah, that's cheating. Declare what you're doing before someone joins or you're a cheater. Or just follow SMG's rules which states it's cheating to use more than 1 account :)

Doing better than me, but my dudes better imho SILENCE!!!!!!