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Cheating vs Exploit

You should be careful accusing someone of cheating.

 -Two players ganging up on you is NOT CHEATING!

- One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!

- BOTS tough one, but still saying the BOT has no actual cheats but just another account to try and give the player an edge. Not much dif. then having a second account. Still saying this is NOT CHEATING!

I calls these exploiting a games feature, and impossible to stop.

I have hundreds of games logged in Risk, and have not seen one person actual cheat, as in roll sixes every roll, control the game so no one can move but only them, GOD mode where you can't hurt them, etc. NOT ONCE!

I do see many players trying to get an advantage with a second account, but honestly most of them suck and need two accounts.

I see many posts about cheating, but I challenge any of you, prove they actual have cheats vs just playing a second player who also is not cheating rather then playing dirty.

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Yeah, I just played a game with a master.  He was orange, he was down to his last ten men and blue went to his rescue.  Blue also left 1 of my men instead of finishing me off so orange could get my cards.

Obviously 1 guy using 2 accounts.  I wonder if it was Matt?

I just figured out how these cheaters can be stopped.

Just give the game an ignore feature.

Allow players to block players they know are cheaters.  If everyone refuses to play with the cheaters that will put a stop to this garbage.  It's out of hand especially when you play high ranked players. 

Hey Matt, here's an example of a cheater using multiple accounts. First the game was supposed to be 6 players but was started with only 4. I wouldn't have even played in a 4 player game. But after the yellow player was eliminated it left green which was me, blue (Little a Fortune 19), and red (CoreTV). I had Australia and around 23 men in the entrance, I also had 8 men in SA. Blue, LF 19, comes down and seemingly suicides against me in Australia, I was down to a few troops, red could have taken me out and collected my cards but instead choose to knock out my 8 troops in SA and then stop. So LF 19 finishes me off the next turn and red just sits there until LF 19 eliminates the red player even though the red player had at one point something like 28 men sitting in one territory. Red just kept fortifying until LF 19 destroyed it. Absolutely nothing I could do about it.
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And that bullshit happens constantly.

"Absolutely nothing I could do about it."

Click the report button on each one, select collaboration and type in the name of one of the accounts he's collaborating with. Accounts get deleted in some time. You win.

I reported it.  I clicked on the report for cheating button and sent in a ticket with all the info and screen shots.

What is up with players quitting in a game and the AI taking over but there being no indication it's AI? I just played a game where there were 4 of us left, the green player was a master, the red an expert, me and a purple who was a lower rank. The purple player was a complete idiot, he took over Australia but instead of fortifying it he left he had all his troops.....and I mean all of them except the single ones left on the very bottom of Australia.....he could attack with them and he left the entrance wide open. Red seemed to stop playing after the first few turns and just became a bot......when that happens why is there no robot face to indicate it's not a human player? So the game was basically between me and green who was took over NA without the other 2 players even trying to stop him. He left 1 player in the Northeast entrance to NA and the other two players didn't even stop him from getting his bonus. Stuff like that makes me wonder if red, green and purple were all the same player. They made occasional attacks against green but nothing that would really hurt green so it could have just been the green player making it look like they were fighting. If they weren't the same player the purple player was the biggest idiot I've ever seen.
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You are a cheater. If you can't win by playing with one account, you are just too dumb. How about and your 3 friends are playing the old school board game. You say that your friends each get 1 set of armies and 1 turn per round. But, you get 2 sets of armies and 2 turns per round. Would your 3 friends call you a cheater?

Have no idea what point your trying to make with a random example that doesn't exist in the board-game Risk.

This game used to be all about playing with friends, in fact it was the only way you could play! Now it's no friends allowed, and if you don't win then it must be from all the other's cheating!

I say No Friends Allowed, as in somewhere out of THIN AIR, you and most everyone else figured out how to prove someone's intent. Two friends playing a game have to be cheaters by your definition, like ZERO chance their not cheating.

My friends, assume I'm not cheating, and would be happy I joined their game. If it was only an option in NEW RISK to offer co-op play mode. Where friends are allowed to play a game together again.

Too much whining about cheaters, I think the whiners mostly just suck! Of course, I can't defend that anymore then you can defend your claims.


Per SMG Rules that you keep trying to quote:

1) Hacking the game, in any way, is cheating.

2) Using multiple accounts in the same game to gain an advantage is cheating.

3) Playing with someone you know and working together to gain advantage is cheating.  


If you wish to play with people you know please use the Play with Friends mode. If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally.


They even state "in the same game to gain an advantage" & "and working together to gain advantage", then wrap it up with "If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally."

There's the key "If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally"

If we want to play as friends, as long as not playing as allies, SMG says that's allowed!

Right on, we can play with friends, just people like you screaming we can't.

SMG stated "If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally"

So unless you can prove our intent, cause last time I checked we're "Innocent until proven guilty", right? I've done nothing wrong unless you have proof otherwise, so back off! Even states in the rules we can play as friends!

Stating the rule, no debate - SMG says we can play as friends.

SMG stated "If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally"


So unless you can prove our intent, "Innocent until proven guilty", right? I've/Wev'e done nothing wrong. Even states in the rules we can play as friends!

I was Grand Master, rank around 2200.

Gotten my arsue handed to me pretty bad lately, export now, around 40,000 rank last I checked. Maybe worse but still export, think master is around 18k, or 12k, don't remember. Master is easy, GM is way tough., even harder keeping it. If players didn't see your title, mann be a way dif. game, puts a target on your head, everyone is auto ally against you just because of your title. I get it, makes sense, I would attack me to if Grand Master.

I'm happy to report, even though I've gotten whopped lately, ZERO games have been from others cheating, I've simply just lost more than I've won.

Yaa, think that's pretty impressive to play upwards of 20-30 games and have little to no odd game play. Won some, lost many, but mostly solid game play. I do set min level to join at beginner, think that helps a bit.

Grand Master to Export barely.., and not from anyone cheating against me. Thanks for honest play :)

Wow, I am now Intermediate, ranked 71k, haven't been this rank in a looooong time.

I'm owning it, don't feel anyone was cheating, and happy to continue to play against anyone, I don't boot anyone from my games.