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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

There is no need to publish names in Discord. I reported two orders, and Luci confirmed that there were actually four orders in that scam. She permanently banned all four. The morning started very nicely. Thanks Lucy.

Alright! And that's alright, if it's accurate that's great: in-app reports actually have a 3% accuracy rate unfortunately.

I reported to her and I believe she will catch those two players. Let people do their job and I will wait. I hope I didn’t falsely accuse the two even though it was too obvious they were playing in pairs.

Yes, the reports on the Discord are seen by Luci, SMG's community manager

I would wait for SMG to decide. There is always the possibility of a mistake, the dice are put together by chance ... I am sure that they are cheaters, but Hitler was also sure that he would conquer the whole world ... As you wish.

Alright! I'll go report them in the Discord as well on your behalf :)

Thanks. I saved the screenshots and reported cheating. They beat me so fast that I didn't understand in time and I didn't save the ID.And they jumped into the next game at the same time. I knocked out the weaker one, she came back. I kicked her out again and since she didn't come back after 5-6 seconds, the other one also left. Valentino Alvarez 30 and Conchita Bravebeard 15.

Hello! You can report cheating ingame with the Report button, or grab a screenshot of the players'names or the battle ID and then report them in the #report-cheating channel of the Discord server.

David, I'm sorry I didn't answer. I had to rest my nerves from this topic. Now I can't find where I can report cheating. They certainly work in pairs or someone uses two accounts at the same time. Can anyone help me where I can apply? Just not the one I don't communicate with.

It's called Chess!

But you suk at Risk, why you think your ready for something more skilled..

No that's not a question! But I'm sure you'll respond, you always respond to everyone.

Does  anyone here know of a more skill based game like Risk?

I just lost a game because some idiot decided to suicide on me instead of playing the game.  We were about 45 minutes in, 3 of us left, he was an expert and actually had the second most troops.

Then he just gave up and attacked me killing us both so the third place guy won.

I've won a lot of games because of others being so stupid too but it's frustrating that most of Risk is card draw and rolls. 

If you get 3 evenly matched players in a standoff it almost always comes down to whoever gets bored first and decides to suicide.


In my games I just shut off alliances.  The problem with alliances in this version is you can't talk to other players so when you see two players obviously colluding you can't say anything about it.  I've played games where one player is  using (I later found out) 2 accounts and his two accounts both asked me (and I assume everyone else) at the beginning of the game for an alliance.

So then if that cheater forms an alliance that's 3 players, his 2 accounts and his ally that he doesn't have to worry about.   I never ally with anyone anyway so I just shut alliances off.

I saw someone else up there talking about certain devices giving advantages or disadvantages based on their systems, interface or whatever.

I just lost a game because I use and IPod7 and I only moved 4 of my 60 something troops when I meant to move them al because I touched the screen when I didn't mean to while I was moving my troops.   I might have lost the game anyway but that move killed me.  After that the other player just had too much territory for me to overcome. 

Them's the breaks I guess.

You guys must be rivals. As to 537 whose name i can't read, to answer the question, sometimes I go into a game and notice that there are too many beginners/novices, and then i try to leave really quick but the game starts up before i can leave....thats when I don't confirm....and I'm guessing thats why many players dont confirm. I'm looking for a high competition game with better ranked players, but you can't see until you enter the game.....and some people start it very quick after u enter. It's not cheating.....but it does suck. Also there are times you put your phone down to do something or are multitasking and you don't notice the game starting. When people leave mid-game it does suck, but i just look at it as a random event, that can happen to anyone so it isn't a big deal. Only thing i really hate is teamers....but idk how you fully stop that. I also don't like alliances as you never know if it really means anything to the player. And true random dice are super hit or miss. It seems anyway. Seems like typically true random gives the advantage to the defense...but then every once in a while ill see someone with 20 troops take out a capital with 30 troops....crazy

Yeah, you keep saying how little my opinion matters to you......over and over as you keep replying.  How's your "buddy" Matt?

I'm interested in other people's opinions. Looks like you drove them all away because only you answer. You know everything, everything has to be the way you think. I was hoping someone else would answer. Your opinion doesn't matter to me.
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