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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

Koray did you report him? I’ve started creating my own games, it’s cut down on the cheating a lot. I hope you reported that cheater and he got banned. I know playing a game only to lose to a cheater at the end is infuriating.

son of a bitch 
vera fritz 14

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cferbberg1 is 1000% cheater. he played multi accounts with blue color and at the last movment after he defeated me with blue sub-account, empty capitals to win game with main account (green).


exactly, everything that is reported is just ignored.  Like they claim they cant hack and freeze the game.

Those pics I posted on the last page is from a game I reported to SMG.  Red attacked me weakening me to the point where Purple could finish me off, then Red just sat there and let Purple take him out.

Red literally just sat there.  I reported "them" to SMG, showed the pics that proved it.......and the response I got back from SMG was "it was two friends and they didn't know what they were doing was against the rules".

So SMG just gave "them" a warning.

That's why the game is full of cheaters, SMG doesn't ban these clowns even when they're caught red-handed!

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I'm tired of cheaters. They ruin the game. It's obvious people form teams to hang up on others! Their moves make no sense, other than to benifit each other. Then the AI follows their pattern. There is no other explanation than cheating! Watch for a cheater named floflux! He's a damn cheater! He works in unison with others or is one person playing two colors!
It’s the only way to get a fair game Thinking of giving it up as it is pointless Why do people bother cheating just to get a rank, the game should be fun

The rankings are totally meaningless anyway given the number of cheaters and people who have multiple accounts.

I really don't get why people give a shit about what they're ranked. 

So you're one of those sad campers then nigel . You break the game doing it that way and it becomes this weird pot luck 1 v 1 game .
Oh god I play this game now with one computer player and one other, that way there is no cheating. I got bored and have just played 2 games and got an absolute lesson on cheating, so obvious it makes me angry. Back to the original plan and keep my grandmaster status although it’s not much fun at all’ve defended cheating....literally.....for years. For years lol. Your posts are all still there for anyone to see. You started a thread about how using two accounts isn’t cheating.....then replied endlessly defending cheaters who use multiple accounts in one game. That’s all 100% fact. So don’t act like you don’t cheat or defend cheaters and cheating. Anyone can read what you’ve written, lord knows you’ve made enough posts over the past few years. I have zero respect for someone who champions cheating like you do. Next time if you’re going to lie about playing a game make sure the time stamps a little further apart.

Jason, you don't phase me one bit!

All you do is whine and make false claims about me and everyone else.

It's your day, do what you want with it.

Such a loser...

No Matt, red just put all his troops in one territory every turn while purple took over the world. It’s OBVIOUS that was either one person controlling two accounts or two people with the other just their to help purple win. Cheaters either way. And you defend people like that. I notice you have multiple accounts here commenting too, why is that Matt?
Any thoughts on how to stop them? Yeah, SMG could ban them right away. Besides they’re not cheaters...everyone knows using multiple accounts isn’t cheating right Matt? I’m sure your game was great lol, pretty amazing how quickly you played it and then rushed back here to say there was no cheating though! Must have been a real quick win for you, huh Matt? Did you forget comments show the approx times when they were made?

Jason, wasn't there, but any chance Red went AFK after he killed you ?

As in RF called ?

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