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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

I Report players and I get the same message over and over. They did not do anything wrong and haven’t repeated anything. It’s a waste of time

Well then Secta I guess they win if that's how the mechanics work. I refuse to play against one other person and all bots. Glad to know I'm giving them what they want.

I've dropped back to expert from master at least 3 or 4 times from quitting those bot matches. I honestly don't care about rank. It makes me mad that I can be taken hostage like that.


Божа 537

I ALWAYS attack a cheater as soon as I figure out they're cheating but the problem is there is no way to alert other players.  There's not even a "suspicious" emoticon anymore.

The problem is cheaters generally don't reveal themselves until there is no way the other players can win.  In most games I've encountered cheaters they wait until there's 3 players left and then it's too late.

The "perfect" way to ban is to instantly ban anyone caught using 2 accounts or teaming up with a "buddy" to cheat.

SMG keeps saying "it was just two friends who didn't know the rules so we deranked them".  So those people are free to cheat again.

I want people CAUGHT cheating banned.  I also want a block button.  This wouldn't just help with cheaters it would help with people who suicide, don't confirm or bot out in the middle of a game.

If someone reports you for gets investigated and SMG will see you weren't cheating.  I don't care if someone reports me for cheating.....because I'm not cheating.

I don't think you want to understand. You're boring with fascism. I tried to explain to you that your opinion is not sacred. There is someone whose opinion on this issue is more important. It’s her job and I claim she does it great. You said yourself that she banned many of the cheaters you reported. But you are bothered by the fact that she didn't ban all the players you reported. Now we come to your problem. We all want to players report cheaters. You report, and she decides on the punishment. It's her job, not yours. Why don't you let people to do their job. Why are you constantly trying to determine who is to blame? Play, report and don't annoy us anymore, please.

Losing troops, not getting to cash your cards and your turn ending after eliminating another opponent.  It all depends on who you are playing.  Pay attention.  This game used to be fun.  It has now become intolerant.  Who can cheat better.  3 people starting up a game and ganging up on another player so their buddy can get credit for eliminating a higher rank.  It's all obvious to everyone but SMG.  Hmmm, I wonder why that is??????

33 pages of people whining about cheaters.. it is this reason I do not play the Android version anymore. Never had an issue with the few questionable players, just the over whelming amount of complainers. 

I'm posting only to share I found a new home, same game 'Global Domination Risk' on the PC, hosted on Steam. No cheating, no complainers, just good old Global Domination Risk (exact same game). On the PC version, you can only play as the same username as your Steam account. (No creating new Risk player names anytime you want) Plus, if you've purchased any other games this is linked to your Steam account, so creating new Steam account is not so easy. 

Play where ever you want, but I'm staying on the PC, more fun, no cheating, no complainers!

It is a utopia. How can someone get the right to ban someone else? It looks like fascism to me. You can't set yourself as a starting point. You're not cheating, I'm not cheating, but you told me I was cheating. We are all different and have different understandings. Let everyone push a button when they don't like something. How many players have you met who don't have a gram of honor? And they need to get buttons to play with them? Who will determine who is right and who is not? Every time I have a similar dilemma, I remember Hitler. He was sure he was right. Was he? I made sure smg did that part of the job well. If someone thinks differently, that is his right. When the cheater is banned, he can continue playing as soon as he changes the device. Nobody can forbid that.: = ((

So basically you're bothered by people having opinions that differ from yours?

And "boring with fascism"? 

What is it with you and absurd comparisons dude?  You're comparing wanting people caught CHEATING to "HItler" and calling them "fascists" lol.

It makes you sound dumb. 

Sorry that I have an opinion that's different than yours buddy.....sorry that I want people CAUGHT CHEATING to be banned. 

I don't get why you defend cheating but it's certainly suspicious.

Jacob I think all the bot games have had the side effect of making extremely difficult to get a sixth player in regular games. I've hosted games for months and in my opinion it has never been so hard to fill the sixth slot before. My games often sit waiting for a sixth player to join for unreasonable and disproportionate amounts of time. Sometimes people start to drop because they are sick of waiting. I think many people want to avoid bot games and so they don't take the sixth slot.
I feel for you Scottmj1990. Same thing happened to me. I sent in a ticket and put the names on here. SMG really needs to do something about all the cheating in this game or they will end up losing many good, honest players. Better luck Scottmj1990.


"don't any us anymore"?

"Us" who? You and the voices in your heard?

If what I say is causing you this much duress why don't you act like an adult and just stop replying?  Nobody is forcing you to read what I write or reply.

Quit trying to force your opinion on others.

The cheating is out of hand Eric. Here’s two more friends who “just didn’t know the rules” The green and purple players didn’t attack each other, they worked together to eliminate other Players, then after the last player was eliminated green just fortified allow Andres to take over and win the game. This stuff happens CONSTANTLY.
I didn’t see the response for cjohnson596, from phillip@SMG, until just now. It looks like cheaters are being punished and SMG is doing something about it. Thank you SMG! Everyone needs to just put in a ticket for SMG.
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