A SINGLE DOESN'T WIN, ITS A A 3 TO 1 SHOT BUT CAN GO 50 EVEN 100 goes without winning, it's such a glaring gltch but been a month now, I just don't get it
I havent seen anywhere near that much. The odds of a defender winning when at a 3 to 1 disadvantage is 34%. Or about 1/3 of the time. It seems like the dice are not truly random because I see abnormally long streaks both winning and losing. But it has never amounted to 50 or 100 times. Maybe 7 or 8 times which is possible but statistically unlikely.
Kevin white
over 5 years ago
Just make a mental note to watch , as of course their men do go down because of leaving a man on the taken spot you don't notice but it is every game.
I am a bookmaker by trade so I know odds and this ain't a statistical phenomenon, it's just broke essentially
over 5 years ago
If you are a book keeper then go look at your statistics in your profile. What do you have for:
Troops Defeated
Troops Lost
Dice roll %
Kevin white
over 5 years ago
Bookmaker not keeper (horses) them stats have no breakdown to determine the number of men on spot when being taken.
You only have to watch the end of any game when the big stacks clearing the board, watch the number, if it goes down each move in singles eg 10,9,8,7,6 etc then he's winning each battle, see how many it loses eg 10,8,6 etc
over 5 years ago
Sorry, a book maker. If you are so good at stats then why cant you present a sensible argument with statistics? Go to your profile and look up your statistics. What does it say for the number of troops defeated, number of troops lost, and the % of each die roll?
Kevin white
over 5 years ago
Haha , why the anamoysity ?
I didn't realise this was a debate, but if it was how on earth would troops won and lost and the percentage I rolled a specific number help in anyway on the point I am making?
But if it helps you I have no objection I have played 796 games over 315 hours.
Troops defeated 60727
Troops lost 70537
Dice rolls
1- 15%
Not sure what you expect them to tell u about case in point but happy for you to explain the sensible argument they could reveal???
over 5 years ago
It wasnt about anymosity but rather getting at the stats. I have played 254 games over 120 hours. Troops defeated = 27,658. Troops lost = 31,098. Dice rolls = 1-15%, 2-16%, 3-16%, 4-16%, 5-17%, 6-16%. Now that I know your stats and mine I can start to form an opinion on this matter.
The dice are not random based on our small sample size. We have both lost about 10% more troops than we have won. Before I received your stats I had assumed that it was my play style causing this imbalance. But now I don't. I play a lot of defensive strategy that minimizes attacks and use 3 dice against one. That should result in winning more battles than losing but it is not. Our dice rolls appear to be almost identical with a pretty even spread or results and possibly biased to getting a higher number. But that should result in more troops defeated than lost but it is not.
So I dont know if your original scenario is true or not but the statistics seem to back it up rather than disprove it. So thanks for the stats.
Kevin white
over 5 years ago
I took a 30 second screenshot of the end of a game yesterday, illustrates a 17 in a row without a loss, only stopped there cos the game ended.
Just working out how to post it here.
But the fact is if you choose balanced blitz as your dice roll, big stack V singles don't lose EVER!
Kevin white
over 5 years ago
Oh and to back up this, I put in 3 tickets asking about this, have had no response at all, but look what they have done to the tickets, not even the courtesy of a response to any
Ha ha, a nice 27 in a row unbeaten for me there to win my last game,
My new strategy due to this FAULT , NEVER LEAVE ONE MAN , ALWAYS TWO PLUS.........if u don't , their simply cannon fodder.
Kevin white