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Cheating vs Exploit

You should be careful accusing someone of cheating.

 -Two players ganging up on you is NOT CHEATING!

- One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!

- BOTS tough one, but still saying the BOT has no actual cheats but just another account to try and give the player an edge. Not much dif. then having a second account. Still saying this is NOT CHEATING!

I calls these exploiting a games feature, and impossible to stop.

I have hundreds of games logged in Risk, and have not seen one person actual cheat, as in roll sixes every roll, control the game so no one can move but only them, GOD mode where you can't hurt them, etc. NOT ONCE!

I do see many players trying to get an advantage with a second account, but honestly most of them suck and need two accounts.

I see many posts about cheating, but I challenge any of you, prove they actual have cheats vs just playing a second player who also is not cheating rather then playing dirty.

1 person has this question

Both player with five cards, but troops only worth 4 for turnin.

Everyone else almost has a country, except you two.

What do you do Jason?

Attack or leave

Daniel, I have played with a friend on a few occasions. In the beginning we usually (but not always) try to be allies and gang up on people. But more often than not that falls apart quickly as one of us gets jealous (and cautious) of the other person's advancement compared to our own. In fact, while we may start the game as natural allies, we usually end up stabbing each other in the back fairly quickly. 

Is it fair? I believe you are right in saying it is a grey area. We each have our own accounts and we're not trying to advance one over the other. We can actually communicate, whether by phone or in person, which is a HUGE advantage. This is the #1 reason why I think an in-game chat would be fantastic. The problem is the game is already so laggy and slow that adding a chat would likely make it much worse. But I digress. I do feel friends playing together is an [perhaps unfair] advantage, but neither cheating nor an exploitation.

I think using two accounts to benefit one is the most egregious of the exploitations. While I may play with a friend from time to time, I do not use multiple accounts for myself. That takes away all the fun from winning. As with Matt I also only play for fun. Ranking used to matter to me for like a minute, until I realized that my life isn't affected by my Risk ranking lol.

Matt, what does your question have to do with anything?  Why are you trying so hard to change the subject lol?

And of course you can't win at the end of the game BUT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME YOU DON'T KNOW RED AND ORANGE ARE THE SAME PLAYER.

What is it about that that you're not understanding?  No one in the game except the guy controlling red and orange new he was using two accounts.  So he can use both his accounts to weaken and pick off other players until there's 3 players left then pick off the last guy.

It happens over and over and over because cheating is so rampant in the game .  

Quit cheating, quit defending cheating, quit whining about people that have a problem with cheating.

Well good luck screaming at the developers to make all players play fairly, good luck with that!

I posted this a long time ago when everyone was blaming the developers to fix it.. I was making the claim there is not a cheat being used for them to go fix. Only players exploiting the game, and not playing fairly.

You can call me a cheater if you like Jason, if it makes you feel better. You seem shallow enough to do just that. Anyone who has a dif. opinion then you must be cheating, I get it.

I find I am getting randomly attacked much more often now. Sometimes after I knock out an opponent or two one of the remaining players will attack several territories including large armies even though it is not possible for them to kill me. Also sometimes an opponent will just randomly knock one of my larger armies off for no good reason (no continent for them to take there or anything). I may just need to play more aggressively and try more risky kills to keep them from ganging up on me. Cheating could be part of it but I think dumb strategies are also becoming more prevalent.
Philippe Comtois has clearly hacked the game. He attacked time after time with an army of 47 against some 1’s and 2’s. But after each win, 0 troops were put into the conquered territories. After 6 or 7 times of this happening and at the conclusion of his turn, every conquered territory then had 47 troops put in it. This changed his total troops from 50 something to over 400 in one turn.

If you use a flaw that's not publicly known to gain an advantage in a game, you're cheating.  If you use multiple accounts, you;re cheating.

Why do you insist on defending this behaviour?

Because you don't understand my question, I suspect is mostly why your losing, and betting your rank is lower than "Master" and lucky to hit Export.

I've yet to hear any strategy from you, so I'll share mine.

In my example, I would leave, but park right outside Africa hoping they just might take it as I'm leaving and leave me alone. It only take one round, if other play trying to take Africa, and defend it, they will not be able to defend my now 15-17 troops I have sitting next to him. Then I absolutely will not let him hold Africa for even one turn, Works often, unless other step in, can't control that, but back to I do have 15-17 troops so bring it on. If Europe decides to join the battle and attacks Africa, great, I attack Europe or Africa whichever is weakest now. I'm after the kill, much more than the country. Country's just a perk for the first few rounds.


You scream cheaters, everyone a cheater, cheater - cheater - cheater...

I just play, don't really care if you have a teammate, I like the challenge, and can beat both of you.

To me, as long as you are not using a cheat to hack the game, and are rolling same dice as me (win some/lose some), fare game - bring it on! I've asked for team (co-op) mode several times, would like to play team mode, think that would be fun.

What not fun to me is all you whiners (Jason) complaining about how you suck and it's everyone else's fault. Face it, you just have no game!

Matt....there is no "THEY"'s one guy with twice as many men as you have.

Trying to talk to you is like talking to a child.  If you attack red anywhere you're going to lose men.  Red is going to keep attacking you.

Orange is sitting back getting stronger. 

There's nothing you can do EXCEPT attack red....which is what the other player wants.  Then when you're spent from fighting with red....he's going to come at you with orange which will have a huge numerical superiority.

You keep saying you don't care about the "country", I assume you mean continent?  But if orange and red control continents they're getting a bonus every turn.  Are you sure you know how to play Risk?

Every single turn Orange is getting the Australian bonus and a card.  Every single turn Red is attacking you, trying to take away any bonus you have and getting a card.  You can't win the game without taking over continents at some point.

How many times do I have to explain that to you?  There is no "they".  There is one guy using multiple accounts lol.

One account to grind you down....the other to finish you off.  There's NOTHING you can do in that situation.  You can't kill red or orange because it's one player using both of them.

Really dude, learn to read and listen to what people are saying to you.

Here is a graphic demonstration of how they play you for a fool playing with 2 users Support this post and let's see if their ranks are reset

Yeah, it's just me Matt, lol.


Fair Play Rules

To clear up any confusion in the community on what constitutes cheating we have the following Fair Play Rules..

  1. Hacking the game, in any way, is cheating.

  2. Using multiple accounts in the same game to gain an advantage is cheating.

  3. Playing with someone you know and working together to gain advantage is cheating.  

 Pay attention to number 2 Matt.

If you're using more than one account YOU ARE CHEATING. 

Sorry about reality. 

Are you using more than one account?  Is that why you're so defensive?

What is your point?  I know how they do it....I've seen it many times  They pretend to be two separate accounts, then when everyone else is eliminated the player controlling 2 accounts crushes the 3rd player.

I know how you do it.

And anyone who completely contradicts a stated rule about using two accounts is either pathetic or cheater or just a POS. 

Matt is pathetic.