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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

OK. You had a situation that was over. If a similar problem occurs again and you are sure that someone is a cheater and you did not manage to report it during the game, save the screenshot after the game and send it with an explanation. Believe me, SMG is very serious in protecting players from cheating. I have reported many cheaters and all those who cheated are banned. Always try to report a triangle during the game, and if you fail, report differently. I think the easiest way to solve all problems is on the DISCORD. I don't use it because the automatic system manages to detect cheaters very quickly.
They won’t respond to that
It's possible, I have no doubt. If you don’t get to report them in the game, report them with a screenshot.
Muddledoddball. Cheater. This beginner left me with one country in spite of having 20+ armies- and muddled knew- in fog of war- exactly where to find me.
Maybe they are playing in pairs, and maybe the other player saw a big loss of the first player when he hit from 23 to 20. The problem with fog is that you don't know if there is a group of other players on the other side of a large group of soldiers. I always play in the fog. There used to be a lot of pairs, but now the automated system quickly recognizes and bans them. If you are sure and have saved a screenshot, you can always report them via email. On the other hand, there is a lady who tries to enable fair play for all players. Good luck in the new games.
Ugh. I just lost two games in a row. The first one someone took me out 23-20 and then the “other” one finished me off- fog of war - how did he know?? And cards were only 20 - the first player would have gained nothing even if they thought they were taking me out! (And they should have noticed that I was clearly making moves on another part of the board). It was too late to report this.
Werner Redcheeks 26 is a cheat.
Eric Asmodius you're SMG for sure. Troll.

 Yeah that sucks

And you can actually suggest new chat expressions over on the Discord

23,000,000!!!? Being stuck at 2,012,000 for the last week, and not being able to dig out to save my effing life is pretty good then? :) We need an eye-rolling emoji btw...

> Then would they remove users ability to report players, since it's all random ?

Well no, the Collaboration section might be removed, but it would still be possible to encounter people like infinite troop hackers and people who use other kinds of cheating that aren't collaboration, or are harrassing by refusing to end the game.

Eric, if there's "23 million players" how come many times you have to wait 10 minutes to find 6 people to even play with?

And I see the same players all the time am I just that lucky?

OBVIOUSLY someone suiciding on you on their 4th turn is them being an asshole, that's my whole point, and from my POV it's absolutely harassment.  But in a real life game you tell them what an asshole they are, you can punch them in the nose or you just never play with them again.  I've played a million real life Risk games, almost always with close friends or family and I don't ever recall anyone suiciding on me for no reason.

Online that kind of game ruining shit happens fairly regularly and you  just have to start all over in another game and wonder WTF their problem was?  And then you have to remember their username so if you ever see them try to get into a game of yours again you can kick them out.

Eric Asmodius,

If they make the changes to Auto Match as you say, perfect! (..and Thank You)


Then would they remove users ability to report players, since it's all random ?

Blocking, agree with you "pointless" with 23 million players, noted, and thank you!

> so if someone does something like randomly suicide on me after their 4th turn.....what I report that as?  "Cheating"?  "Collaboration"?  "Hacking"?  "Harassment"?

Collaboration, of course, or as general cheating if they aren't suiciding on you to make another win. But sometimes that's not cheating, sometimes that's just someone being an asshole. Happens in real life games too.

As far as sending friend requests to block someone.....give me a break.....just give us a way to BLOCK THEM.  We shouldn't have to jump through ridiculous hoops to block cheaters, non-confirming players, idiots who mess up games, etc.


You REALLY don't even need a block feature. The likelihood of getting in a game with the same player twice, unless you specifically find and join their game, is so small it's practically nonexistent - there are 23 million players.

I've already addressed the AI.

Anyway, I'm going to go reply to all the other comments in this forum, in Steam's discussions, in the Discord, in Amazon Reviews, in the Steam Reviews, in the Reddit, and in the Discord Tickets now. Thanks.

And hey Matt, haven't you heard what Eric says about the's not that it's stupid and completely's just it's "personality".

Submit a ticket!  Apparently the devs just don't know how shitty the AI is!

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