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End Game Etiquette

On several occasions I have seen lack of good sportsman ship at the end of games. The scenario is when one player has a substantially superior number of armies could easily and mercifully finish off their opponent and reach end of game. However, they stop and fortify. Every turn they do one battle then fortify again. We're not talking a contested board. This is like 99 armies vs 4. Just go ahead and win the game that you earned and let's move on to the next game. What's worse is sometimes these guys will use their full time allotment before doing their minimal action. 

The screen shot below is an example of what I am talking about. This guy had 99 armies trapping my 4 at Australia. He took a half dozen turns at this point to end it. Real jerk.

(62 KB)

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 Okay, let me leave a clarifying comment here:

When someone is trapping you in and amassing troops, do two things:

1.  Report them for harassment. Do that, it works because this is actually against the game rules.

2. Just leave the game! It will still count as a second place finish for you and it's a lot less satisfying for the person to just be messing with a bot instead of a human player.

This happened to me twice in 2 consecutive games. I too didn't want to leave in case I didn't get the ranking points. Not only did the other player not finish off my last territory - he then started adding 1 troop to each territory on each turn. I'm sure the players who do this are either pre-pubescent children or post-pubescent adults with no girlfriends/boyfriends. I truly think it's a sexual thrill for them.

I still hate to leave a game like that tho, I would rather my opponent finish me off.

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Wingz138, I was mistaken. Greggy83 posted a link to a SMG clarifying what happens when a player leaves. If your opponent refuses to go in for the kill and you decide to just leave the game you will preserve your 2nd place. It is not a total loss.

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You are right Wingz138, it is not a complete loss when you leave. It's like you are conceding to the player(s) who are left and you will be ranked accordingly.


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Rob are you certain about leaving a game giving you last place? I read another post where Paul from smg said that you get whatever standing you had when you left the game ie. If you leave when there are 3 plyrs you get 3rd place.

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Leaving the game is a forfeit and total loss which deprives you of your deserved 2nd place which feeds your ranking. The forfeit is as bad as last place. There ought to be a "Surrender" or "Resign" option when it gets down to two players. That would remedy this issue.

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Why should I have to leave a game just because the other guy is being a jerk?  There is absolutely no strategic reason to delay the end game.  That make it a dick move, IMO.

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Quit complaining and leave that's the simplest thing nothing needs to be fixed
Wingz138 yes if you leave the game before it ends than you lost . I believe it gives you a total loss not like if you loss playing. It's a big negitive. I just had a dam game that the other player clearly won but wouldn't do it. Like four dam turns of skipping adding troops pisss me off. So I just waited the whole lotted time I think that's why he finally finished the game. 10 minutes or so later.
Wingz138 yes if you leave the game before it ends than you lost . I believe it tacks as a total loss not like if you loss playing. It's a big negitive. I just had a dam game that the other player clearly won but wouldn't do it. Like four dam turns of skipping adding troops pisss me off. So I just waited the whole lotted time I think that's why he finally finished the game. 10 minutes or so later.

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I am always amused when a player does this kind of crap ( i find it to mostly be beginners and novices) and then tries to add me as a friend after. I have also wondered if leaving a game when only 2 plyrs are left affects the game stats differently than than finishing the game, thats the only reason I hang around when someone is being a clown.
It does seem in poor taste but why not just leave that game?

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I did it the other day just because the player I was playing was being a D-Bag. Other wise I try and ended it fast
This happens way more than it should and is very annoying.  Not sure what the other person is trying to prove other than how big of a jerk he can be.


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