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Cheating vs Exploit

You should be careful accusing someone of cheating.

 -Two players ganging up on you is NOT CHEATING!

- One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!

- BOTS tough one, but still saying the BOT has no actual cheats but just another account to try and give the player an edge. Not much dif. then having a second account. Still saying this is NOT CHEATING!

I calls these exploiting a games feature, and impossible to stop.

I have hundreds of games logged in Risk, and have not seen one person actual cheat, as in roll sixes every roll, control the game so no one can move but only them, GOD mode where you can't hurt them, etc. NOT ONCE!

I do see many players trying to get an advantage with a second account, but honestly most of them suck and need two accounts.

I see many posts about cheating, but I challenge any of you, prove they actual have cheats vs just playing a second player who also is not cheating rather then playing dirty.

1 person has this question

You're right, what you said isn't worth repeating. I don't know or care what an example of "exploiting" the game would be. I could not care less.

What I know is that one person using two accounts pretending to be two different people is cheating.  In what universe is having a 2 to 1 advantage by pretending to be 2 different people not cheating?  How is that not cheating?  If one player was just given 2 times as many troops and two times as many turns two times as many cards as everyone else do you think that wouldn't be cheating either?  Because that's what playing with two accounts is. 

You seem to think if it's possible that means it's not cheating which is absurd.

If you need 2 accounts to win or if winning a dumb game means that much to you that's just sad.

Are you one of the cheaters using 2 accounts Matt?  Is that why you're so defensive about it?

Sounds like the majority of you have no friends who want to play Risk, or tried and you kicked the crap out of them, Global Domination Style!

Now you play alone, but O so technically correct.

Apologize, but I just don't want to take a game, a board game at that, so seriously. I was Expert & Master way before my buddy ever played, over 1000 games in. Now I'm still an export/master now that he plays. Sorry I don't hate him when we play Risk. You'll expect me to kill him like it's my goal, and any fluctuation is cheating. 

Maybe my goal is to stack troops, and that's why I didn't attack him.

Yes, I think we should be careful before accusing people of cheating. Yes, in this game, second place matters, that is how I catch a glimpse of Master ranking, some months back playing with other masters and Grandmaster. I do think we need to maintain a centralized list of possible cheaters. This will assist many players looking for fair game simply by avoiding any combo that they come across in the game. And also to let the alleged cheaters to be more careful of using the same combo accounts. We do boycott, not intended shaming. But we need to move away from posting our personal frustration here, and more of sharing strategies or battle logs. I played CIV too, and I think we can emulate the civfanatic forum to be more constructive. I thank all before me that share many useful tips here which had enriched my games. Hope to revisit the Master ranking with your tips soon.

Thanks Tom! (Glad someone understood what I was trying to say)

Been playing this game long time now, and still haven't seen one example of cheating, but read the suggestions and the word cheating is used probably more then any other word.

If users could just expand their vocabulary, say try using "Exploiting", then realize your just venting, and wasting the developers time as they can't fix these complaints. 

- There built in AI is not ideal, but I only wish I could prevent it as host or even turn it off for myself, then I'm good with that. (Still not cheating)

- I have seen glitches in the game where players got disconnected, and somehow I was controlling their player, was very odd but it's been several releases ago. Don't think I got rank from that, I'm ranked like 2.2 million atm. I just play for fun. (Still not cheating)

I really only made this post to try and get people to think before they posted, did the player actually cheat. Can the developers actually do anything about what you've seen in-game.

Lastly, stop complaining if you have no suggestions attached to it. Otherwise your just doing that, COMPLAINING! 

I get your point. There are people out there who played the game to bond with their BFF. The brotherhood, the taking care of each other’s back like movies in Black Hawk Down or Saving Private Ryan. Good for you. But best play in private with just your friend and some bots who will not make complain about you and your bro when you trashed them. Stackers are serious contender to win the game. The other players in your game that fail to take action on you for stacking are to be blame for losing the game to you. Maybe they are too busy fending off your buddy, but who knows. Is ganging up, cheating...well I don’t like them, but it is not cheating. After all, can we say that the US, Briton and Russia are cheating for ganging up against Germany in World War 2. We can’t but true master player will just play on and try their best. Like you said, it is just a game. For all those who like to play team mode, I think it is time to suggest team mode game for SMG to let those who like to chill with their buddy enjoy their togetherness.
I agree with that function but going to be a long while before SMG could do that. I still waiting on a simple rank filter so i don't have to boot anyone below expert. It's been 2 years since suggested so....

Guess what I did today, Master Lvl :)


Intermediate 128k Game #2631, but dropped to

Beginner 186k Game #2646

Export 48k Game #2656

Master 18k Game #2688


So Beginner to Master in 42 Games, with no one to compare against, I'd still say that pretty awesome!

More important to note, I have not noticed anyone cheating, or pairing against me.

Honest play, some games easy, some very tough, def. lost a few for sure...

Not seeing the cheating everyone is screaming about.

I'll re-post if I hit GrandMaster, but that's no joke, only hit it twice.


Totally down for Team mode, a co-op vs other co-ops.

I'm also down for real tournaments, love the chance to prove I deserve my rank!


Not sure if I'm missing something, but...

It looks like purple is killing the easier kill, the one with only ONE territory. (Yellow)

The AI can be manipulated. If you play enough SP matches you will be able to better predict and manipulate it. That is not a cheat. What I consider cheating (other than blatant hacks) is the use of more than one account where one of the accounts(whether friend or same person) plays with no intention of winning but with the door purpose of helping another win.
Well done. It doesnt take many wins to reach master if you are up against high level opponents. I bounce back and forth between Intermediate and Master. 4 or 5 good games and I am a Master. Then 4 or 5 bad games and I am an Intermediate.
Catching up lol

Additional note, MattL, on how easy it SHOULD be for the Risk folks to catch the vast majority of cheaters would be to simply see which players that are accused of possible cheating seem to always be playing together in the same games over and over again.  It really shouldn't be too hard for them.

My game settings:

Classic, auto placement, progressive, export, 60 secs, no fog, blizz on, alliance off, rank on, min Beginner, max GM, Dice = Balanced Blitz

I only stop Novice from joining, hoping to minimize some co-op players.

Anyone can join my games, no kicking, and prefer a full game of six real players

Give it a 3-5 count to allow game jumpers time to leave, then Start the game!

So no stacking of high ranked players in my games...