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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

Us is everyone. You don't see ,everybody is run away.

 You said "quit bothering US".

Who is "us"?  Who are you speaking for buddy?

And you're seriously going to talk about me trying to "provoke" others when you compared people who report cheaters to "Hitler" lol?'

I know wanting cheaters banned really bothers you but you don't get to tell others what opinions they can have.

You're absurd buddy.  Now be a man of your word and move on.  Nobody is making you read my posts. 

Or.....keep replying.  Up to you but stop whining about it and acting like you don't have a choice.

1. You are described yourself 2. Who is my new buddy? I always have some buddy? 3. I don't defend cheating,and I don't know what is suspicious to you? 4. Sometimes I think that you provoke other players. Like,you don't mean what you said,but let's play with someone?

"don't any us anymore"?

"Us" who? You and the voices in your heard?

If what I say is causing you this much duress why don't you act like an adult and just stop replying?  Nobody is forcing you to read what I write or reply.

Quit trying to force your opinion on others.

So basically you're bothered by people having opinions that differ from yours?

And "boring with fascism"? 

What is it with you and absurd comparisons dude?  You're comparing wanting people caught CHEATING to "HItler" and calling them "fascists" lol.

It makes you sound dumb. 

Sorry that I have an opinion that's different than yours buddy.....sorry that I want people CAUGHT CHEATING to be banned. 

I don't get why you defend cheating but it's certainly suspicious.

I don't think you want to understand. You're boring with fascism. I tried to explain to you that your opinion is not sacred. There is someone whose opinion on this issue is more important. It’s her job and I claim she does it great. You said yourself that she banned many of the cheaters you reported. But you are bothered by the fact that she didn't ban all the players you reported. Now we come to your problem. We all want to players report cheaters. You report, and she decides on the punishment. It's her job, not yours. Why don't you let people to do their job. Why are you constantly trying to determine who is to blame? Play, report and don't annoy us anymore, please.
And that’s great 537......I always watch suspected cheaters until then end of the game. That’s how I know they’re cheating. Do you think I just report anyone who beats me lol? I’ve played something like 750 games. Like I said when I played on other people’s games cheating was rampant, since I started creatIng my own games I’ve cheating is Much rarer but still happens and I’m Going to report it no matter how much ridiculous stuff you blab on about. If you want to be taken seriously knock off the “reporting cheaters is fascism” and quit comparing people who report cheaters to Hitler. That’s beyond dumb.
That’s great Eric, do you think I just report people for no reason? Why shouldn’t I report people cheating? Out of all the people I’ve reported as far as I know all were found guilty except for 2 I reported the other day. Luci said there was no evidence they were cheating but I still suspect they were. But the other4 people I Reported in the last two weeks were found guilty, two were banned outright, the other two got warnings. Why shouldn’t I have reported them? And if you agree I should have reported them why are you even arguing with me about reporting cheaters?
Thanks. You fully understood what I was trying to explain. They exist, we all need to report them, but only when we are 100% sure. Today at the moment I was about 95% sure. I was already sure I would report them when they started destroying each other. Ooooopppssss ...

Don't think they ever said that, they just said you were seeing cheaters where there weren't any.


Божа 537 Remind me again why we shouldn't report cheaters?

Hey Божа 537,  here's another cheater that I reported.

Notice how the purple player blocks for the blue player in Australia?

That was early in the game, the purple player protected the blue.  Later blue had SA, Europe and Africa and what did purple do?

He took his 70 men and attacked the green player's 80 allowing blue to win the game.  Nothing fishy there right?

I knew what was going on as soon as purple blocked the entrance to Australia, unfortunately there is no way to alert the other players so Blue (who was grandmaster ranked after 24 wins lol.  Sounds legit right?) won the game after purple took out the only other player left.

Let me know if you want to see more pics, purple didn't attack blue once to take away a bonus the whole game even though at one point Blue attacked Yellow in SA and only had about 20 men left while purple had about triple that.  Purple allowed blue to hold Africa and SA with 1 man on every territory in Africa except the entrance to SA.

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(890 KB)'re absurd.  Quit defending cheaters. 

Why you defend cheating is beyond me but you're wasting both our time doing it.

I had no doubt you would continue on your way. Many times I have reported cheaters using cards. I don't like triangles. I got an answer every time. Almost all are banned. That's the difference between me and you. I only report when I'm sure and you obviously report anyone who is suspicious of you. That’s why I said YOU SEE GHOSTS EVERYWHERE. You need a button for reporting aliens. Good night.

That's great that you're "satisfied", that doesn't stop cheaters though.

The cheaters I report are cheaters.  When you report cheating through a ticket they usually reply back saying what the outcome was, that's how I know the cheaters didn't get banned.

The rest of your babbling is nonsense.  Cheating ruins the game, if you haven't ran into much cheating you're either incredibly lucky or you just aren't noticing it.

Ranting about "fascism" or "hitler" or whatever other nonsense has nothing to do with people cheating at a game.

Quit defending cheating dude.  People reporting cheating doesn't affect you.  Banning cheaters doesn't affect you UNLESS you are cheating.

But to compare people wanting rules enforced in a game to "Hitler" is beyond laughable.


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