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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

Take it anytime, doesn't mean anytime..

No worries, only here to push Game Finder, now a new idea but would stop cheating if it exists.

Better yet, it would stop those claiming everyone is cheating, as all game would be random then.

I'll still play you anytime you willing to join a classic style game.

Tommy Buzz

Eric isn't stupid. I already told, English isn't my language. If I'm tired, language is worst. If I'm in hurry, language is worst. I'm told you. You need a button for reporting aliens. Or one topic just for you. I can't to read everything you've written. If you think a cheaters detection job would work better, apply for the job. But be careful. They can ask you for a psychiatrist's certificate. I almost forgot. The one who constantly speak thief, thief, is usually a thief. Maybe this is familiar to you?

 NB all start reporting the website as a fraud to stop him form ripping people off

ok, putting game up now

Classic Map, 60 seconds, no fog, no ally, auto placement, export computers, ranked on, min beg, max grand

I pretty much stay at the Expert level, can't seem to stay a Master long... lol One thing I've noticed being a female player is young men seem to enjoy ganging up on female players repeatedly and it's frustrating, thinking of opening a new account and choosing a masculine name & character. I notice when I am ahead against a higher rank player a pattern of glitches and it leaves me wondering honestly. I prefer playing with humble players, and honestly hate the assholes who constantly laugh when they're killing you. Talk about rubbing it in. They sure don't laugh when the shoe is reversed. I started playing this game because I loved playing with my kids, but here lately I find myself pissed off alot. People here are obviously shitty and it's obvious they enjoy being assholes and instead of just playing a good, honest game their agenda is to be an asshole. Players need to just play the damn game taking the common sense moves without an agenda of targeting people or ganging up on them.

Points for not bringing up "Hitler" I guess.

And it's just interesting how your English goes from perfectly fine to absolutely awful like your last post.

I mean in some posts,you know when to use apostrophes, which tense to use, the difference between "there" and "their" and "you're" and "your" and in your last few posts you're writing in totally broken English.

You must be really tired this morning.

I'm ok with a block feature as long as it cannot count for rank. Can't give someone a feature to block better players and still count.

There is a player playing every game with same account xerip3 and xerip please ban both 25 and 29 win streak. All using two devices.  I also realize xerip4. Ranks 43,44 and 16!!!



Yes,I am. If you insist, when I saw him,I thought of you.
Carson Truth 6 and Butler Rambeaux 7 are the same person, watch out for them...
Pardon. Here they are.
Thought.....maybe you disable the host’s ability to manipulate who plays , the terms of the game, the number of players....who he discharges etc.... perhaps once a host establishes the ‘rules” of the game, like number of players, AI, level of difficulty and so on....that’s it...can’t be changed... many times also I have joined a 3 or 4 player game and find out that eventually I’m playing a 6 player game which I didn’t sign up for.... and I get bombarded from the all....maybe a good idea? Limiting the host ability to manipulate I think will help significantly
I can’t find your game
I go to sleep. I'm sorry. We made an interesting conversation. Horor.
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