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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

See you still whining..

I'd like to see a game finder implemented, why not push for this?

And that’s great 537......I always watch suspected cheaters until then end of the game. That’s how I know they’re cheating. Do you think I just report anyone who beats me lol? I’ve played something like 750 games. Like I said when I played on other people’s games cheating was rampant, since I started creatIng my own games I’ve cheating is Much rarer but still happens and I’m Going to report it no matter how much ridiculous stuff you blab on about. If you want to be taken seriously knock off the “reporting cheaters is fascism” and quit comparing people who report cheaters to Hitler. That’s beyond dumb.

This is a cheaters thread, so I'm suggesting solution to avoid cheating.

Game Finder, why no love ?

Koray did you report him? I’ve started creating my own games, it’s cut down on the cheating a lot. I hope you reported that cheater and he got banned. I know playing a game only to lose to a cheater at the end is infuriating.
CHEATER NAMES: "GILES GUPTA 7" and "RENEE SASSAFRAS 6" obvious cheaters either one person with two accounts or two people working together. It this bs is ruining the game!!!
Trying to find where I actually make an official report or cheaters and cannot find it… Help please

No Matt, as usual you're lying and defending cheating.

Tell me why Orange was blocking the NA entrance to Europe....explain the tactics behind that.  Orange wasn't attacking, wasn't collecting cards.....he was just putting all his men in the entrance to Europe.

You said that wasn't cheating, and I should have tried to "take him out" lol.  Meanwhile Purple is sitting there taking over SA and NA.

So explain it to me, lets say I managed to take out Orange's 12 men with my 11 (less by the time I actually go to the entrance to NA). 

Then what?  If I actually had any men left what should I have done?

Purple had SA and was about to take over NA.....what is that, 10 extra men per turn?  How many rounds do you think I would have lasted?

It's very telling you call people who don't cheat and want it eradicated "whiners".

Stop lying.....stop cheating.....stop defending cheating.

Why have you been defending cheating for literally years lol?  Afraid someone will finally stop you from cheating and you'll lose your precious rank?

Really, defending cheating is pathetic, stop it.

Where I think you fail, example care about Aus., I also play for rank.

You were ranked forth, kill Orange now your ranked third in the game, heaven forbid, yellow dies before you, now your second and NOW YOUR ACTUAL RANK WENT UP!

So I win even at second place!

You & I play very dif, I know I could easily beat you but you wont play me.

Solution - Game Finder!

David, I haven't seen a player who is always present all day and who was a grandmaster yesterday. Does your name in the game start with the letter T?
Not quite cheating.... This is more of a tactical pep talk. Jules Pericolo 6........ All I can say is very very sour grapes. Me? Grandmaster rank who has not cheated to get to that rank. You? Beginner or Novice and likely to remain so. Did my usual, created a game of 4 players. Me, two Expert AI opponents and one space for a human. This way, I cannot be a victim of cheating. I am not cheating by setting this game up. What annoys me is that this pillock (no wonder his rank is an irrelevance!) just goes all out attack on me rather than trying to win the game. If you want to stand a chance of winning, play a sensible game. If you don’t like the bots then click out before the game starts or set your own little game up, k sweetie? Outcome? Despite this little nuisance attacking my heavily fortified Oceania continent and getting some lucky die rolls, I still wipe the little toe rag out first and get all his cards. Then it was a simple matter of outplaying the two AI opponents. Warning.... Try that tactic on with me, you will lose 95% of the time. At best you’ll finish third....depends if I have to deal with an AI before getting to you. You didn’t ally with me but for future reference, if you break an alliance, I will bomb you back to the dark ages, k gorgeous? Best to sit there, be respectful and hope I allow you to finish 2nd. Which I will because I am quite honorable unless you try to f**k my shit up. In which case, you get wiped first! 

Yeah, you and I do play different.....I don't cheat or defend cheaters.  I play to win.  I don't care about rank.

I also play honestly.....unlike some people who think using two accounts isn't cheating.

Red/Green didn't attack each other once unless it was absolutely necessary. I don't get it... is that fun? I kinda had fun seeing how long I could last but you know it was my first experience of clear cheaters so I doubt I'll be in such good spirits next time. When you add it to the constant errors updating my score my ranking isn't going anywhere fast. Big shame this app is so disappointing
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Red and blue clear cheaters. I find that lots of Grandmaster and Master level player are either allied or the same player with two accounts and they lure you into a 6 player game to reduce it to 3 and gang against you, so 2 on 1. Just like those two on the pic attached, red and blue.

Adding, the game now allows turning off Camera Animation in setting.

It's a little awkward at first, but MUCH FASTER awhile attacking opponents. 

Might be what your seeing Божа 537

It's called Chess!

But you suk at Risk, why you think your ready for something more skilled..

No that's not a question! But I'm sure you'll respond, you always respond to everyone.

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