I would like to know what I am accused of? When a player joi s my game they agree to my game rules, i.e time, bonus etc. If 90 seconds is the time then there should be no problem if you use the entire 90 seconds. I report the clowns who box you in and wont end. If not being able to use the entire clock is a fair play violation, then there should be no timer.
SMG just is a loser and like to ban people for no reason. Then when try to contact them they will DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT. FKING Wimps.
over 1 year ago
Mij is hetzelfde overkomen. Plotseling heb ik een ban. Terwijl ik juist melding maak van de spelers die het spel bederven, en dat zijn er heel wat. Begrijp ik er echt niks van. Gr
Forest Kinnett
I have been unjustly accused of cheating. I do not cheat. How can I appeal my suspension?
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