Why bother playing this garbage ass game when they don't ban the cheaters
Jo mama
started a topic
over 3 years ago
When every single time, for example, it's my 9 (castle) vs their 11 attackers, they win the attack every single time? it's because the people who run this game don't give a single SHIT about the people who pay their gd bills. They let rampant cheating happen without consequence. I'm going to start a boycott of this game until they pull their lazy fucking heads out of their asses and do their fucking job. ban my account for this post i dont give a fuck. someone needs to tell you useless cunts to go FUCK yourselves and I'm taking one for the team. Fuck you smg studios
1 Comment
Andrew Greve
about 3 years ago
You are absolutely right s m g does not give a flying f*** about the people paying their checks! I've been playing this for six or seven years since it first came out and I have watched it progressively go downhill as they allow cross platforms and cheaters to run rampant! If I can drive to Australia to SMG Studios I would be each and every one of these c********** with my bat! Hear that s m g Studios you all are a bunch of cont wads
Jo mama
When every single time, for example, it's my 9 (castle) vs their 11 attackers, they win the attack every single time? it's because the people who run this game don't give a single SHIT about the people who pay their gd bills. They let rampant cheating happen without consequence. I'm going to start a boycott of this game until they pull their lazy fucking heads out of their asses and do their fucking job. ban my account for this post i dont give a fuck. someone needs to tell you useless cunts to go FUCK yourselves and I'm taking one for the team. Fuck you smg studios