Game's not rigged. Novices do not have any advantage, the game does not take rank into account when calculating rolls. That's a very lucky one - but not impossible, it's about a 2 in 100 chance. You must just have run into one really lucky person.
If the game was rigged for Novices, I'm sure I would have moved out of Novice rank by now, haha
I just watched in horror as a Novice performed a trickle attack on my 28 troops on Siam with his 12 troops. He not only took down Siam but all of Australia. Thats 12 vs 32. That should be impossible. I don't know how the programmers have rigged this game, but it appears when you start out as a Novice, you have a 90% chance of a flawless attack. As a Master, I no longer dare to attack 1 troop if I only have 3 troops - I know my chance of losing is about 80%. When I was a Novice, 3 troops would beat 1 troop 100% of the time. This game is SERIOUSLY RIGGED.